I enjoy learning. When I was accepted into the Bachelor of Education program I was so excited to be back in school. During my time as a youth pastor, I attended at least one conference every year in order to continue my learning in that field. I look forward to a career in a field that encourages and provides for continued learning.
In particular I would like to focus on a few areas:
Assessment – how can I improve my assessment techniques and try new strategies that enhance my students’ learning.
Special Education – I am extremely interested in this area of education and learning more about enhancing learning opportunities for those with exceptionalities and learning differences.
Cross Cultural Situations – as I head to Indonesia, I am extremely excited about experiencing teaching in a different culture, but also having students from all over the world. I believe it will be a fantastic opportunity for me to learn a number of new strategies and techniques from teachers who have learned their craft and taught all over the world.
I look forward to new opportunities that will arise that I have not even conceived of yet. I know I would like to improve my use of technology in the classroom as well. There are so many areas to learn and to grow. Over the next two years, my goal is to learn from the people around me in a new country and see what the professional development options are that will be offered to me. My professional development slate is clean as I am not sure what will be expected of my by my new employer, but I am excited to see what fills it. There is no plan except to take advantage of the opportunities to learn that are placed in front of me.