Belief Statements

1. I believe that every student has intrinsic value, beauty and ability and it is my job as a teacher to help them discover what lies within them.

2. I believe a safe learning environment is the best atmosphere for students to develop as learners.

3. I believe that everyone in a class, students and teachers, have something to offer and thus developing a learning community leads to the greatest opportunity to everyone to be their best.

4. I believe that learning is more valuable when it is attached to real life situations.

5. I believe that learning is intrinsically a joyful experience and classroom experiences should involve choice and include areas of interest for students.

6. I believe we all learn differently and including many types of learners in an inclusive learning community is beneficial for all involved.

For more information on classrooms as learning communities see:

Watkins, C. (2005). Classrooms as learning communities:  A review of research.  London Review of Education, 3(1), 47-64.



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