Today we had the opportunity to hear from an aboriginal elder who shared the story of her family and how the government policies and actions affected her life. It was hard to hear. The atrocities that were committed against her or that she was witness to were almost beyond comprehension. I believe that we need to consistently consider the perspective of others and the context that they come from and this influences my philosophy as a teacher. Today was a whole new experience. Although I had heard stories and met other survivors of residential schools, today helped me continue to appreciate how the actions of the Canadian government in the past created an entire population of marginalized and traumatized people. There is good reason for lack of trust. And even though the people who perpetrated these crimes may no longer be in positions of power, the same organizations and structures are still in power. I have a new understanding of the mistrust of Canada as an institution. I must also say that I was amazed at the forgiveness of the elder. She understood that an important part of her own healing involved releasing the anger and shame. It was a moving and powerful time.
Heavy, but good.