Practices that I used to connect my belief statements to my teaching are:
Respect is a two way street – deal with issues without shaming students, treat students like people with their own thoughts, feelings, and perspective, involve students in the process of developing a learning community – Statement 1
Using sharing circles to develop mutual respect and care among the students – Statements 1 and 2
Build relationships with students. This may including some time beyond the classroom e.g. eating lunch with them, discovering their interests like shooting some hoops at lunch or be involved in extra curricular activities like coaching sports – Statements 1 and 2
Varying the classroom layout – changing the physical structure of the class to facilitate different learning experiences i.e. rows, groups, circles, different work spaces – Statement 2
Jigsaws – I discovered that I really liked jigsaws and the opportunity for students to be the experts. I was amazed at how well it worked and how well the students took to it – Statement 3
Real life – For math, instead of graphing number from a text, each student made up a survey and we went outside and measured paper airplane distances. As well, I try to have guest speakers come in whenever possible. – Statement 4
Including choice in the classroom – e.g. science inquiry projects and allowing assessment in different forms – Statement 5
Facilitating an inclusive classroom – giving worksheets for students at different levels, providing opportunities for all students to be successful at their level, discussing and acknowledging learning styles and differences – Statements 5 and 6
Giving students different space in the classroom for different activities – Instructional space vs work space – having a table at the back of the room for students that need a different situation to do their work – Statement 5 and 6