Year End Reflection (Exit Slip)

Looking back over the course i find my reflections regarding defining my inquiry question stood out the most as they forced me to reflect upon my experiences and aggregate my thought on topics important to me and my future. This was important as it required an assessment of sorts, it required me to dig deeper than any specific article and find that common tie amongst them that resonates wiht me. I enjoy a process of reflection that enables me to become more than i am and forces me to take into account things that have not materialized in a world that has not yet been defined. The option are endless, for me and where i see myself in this world of education.

Two things that have changed are my regard for pedagogy and how that will materialize in the classroom. I believe theory is important and that we should learn from those who have walked the path before me as a teacher,  once in the classroom, is easy to become lone ranger with out guidance walking the halls of education equipped with only a narrow view of what truly means.   

Another change revolves around the importance a place on providing students a variety of teaching instruction that utilizes collaboration. Collaboration amongst students and teachers within and between departments.

Two things that have stayed the same would be my focus and devotion to the education profession and my commitment to life-long learning that encompass profession development.

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