
Throughout history, mathematicians and engineers have been both fascinated and intrigued by the beauty and elegance of parallel lines and shapes.

Games like archery and curling use a scoring system based on the proximity to the center of parallel or concentric circles.

Our objective will be to learn some of the properties lines that are parallel vs lines that are not parallel.

Once we have examined these properties, along with the vocabulary used, we will apply our new skills to situations that regularly occur outside of our classroom walls.

Each tab under the main page will take you to different parts of our lesson.

Feel free to go back whenever you need to review or re-examine what we have done.

Each group is responsible to create a Vocabulary Page of the new and familiar terms and concepts used in this investigation.

Each group has a space on our class Vocabulary document page.

Diagrams and additional explanations of each vocabulary term are expected.


Vocabulary Document

Use your class Gmail account or the Guest Account


password:    parallel

Note: when opening pdf files, use back arrow to return to page.

Getting Started











