Tuna Sandwich

** This recipe requires the use of a toaster, knife, and can opener, please get an adult to help you if you’re not comfortable with it**


  • Bowl
  • Plate
  • Knife
  • Fork
  • Can Opener
  • Toaster (optional)


Tuna 1 can
Celery 1
Mayo ~50mL
Bread 2 Slices



  1. Open canned tuna. Drain the extra water and dump it out in the sink.
  2. Put the tuna in a bowl.
  3. Wash, cut, and add celery into the bowl.
  4. Add mayo.
  5. Mix.
  6. Add salt & pepper.
  7. Mix
  8. Toast bread (optional).
  9. Put tuna mix onto the bread.
  10. Enjoy!

Cheese Pizza Bagel

** This recipe requires the use of a toaster oven and heat, please get an adult to help you if you’re not comfortable with it**

**There’s an alternative way without the use of heat.**


Bagel (Any type but preferably whole grain)

**You can also use bread**

1-2 slices
Tomato paste 2-4 tbsp
Shredded Cheese 1/4 cup


With a toaster oven

  1. Take out the bagel and lay them flat on a plate or cutting board.
  2. Using a tablespoon, spread tomato paste evenly on the bagel.
  3. Sprinkle shredded cheese on top.
  4. Put the bagel into the toaster oven for 10 minutes until the cheese has melted and it depends how crunchy you like it.
  5. Take it out with oven mitts or a towel, use a spatula to gently slide the bagel onto a plate and enjoy!

With a microwave

  1. Take out the bagel and lay them flat on a plate or cutting board.
  2. Using a tablespoon, spread tomato paste evenly on the bagel.
  3. Sprinkle shredded cheese on top.
  4. Put the bagel into the microwave for 1 minute until the cheese has melted.
  5. Take it out with oven mitts or a towel, use a spatula to gently slide the bagel onto a plate and enjoy!

Nutrition facts

Whole grain bagel…

  • Cholesterol-free
  • Low-fat
  • Good source of fibre
  • Low-sodium
  • Sugar-free

Shredded Cheese…

  • Gluten-free
  • A great source of protein and calcium

Tomato Paste…

  • Cholesterol-free
  • Fat-free
  • Low-calorie
  • Low-sodium


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