Q1 ppt

Q 2 ppt

Q3 ppt

Q4 ppt

Q5 ppt

1. What were the motivations for the radical changes in Japan’s model of organization during the Meiji period?
2. How did Japan adapt to changes brought on by the transition from feudal to modern models of organization?
3. How did the changes resulting from adaptation affect Japan economically, politically and socially during the Meiji period?
4. In what ways did changes resulting from isolation in the Edo period compare to changes resulting from adaptation in the Meiji period?
5. What challenges emerged for the Japanese in maintaining traditional cultural aspects of their society while undergoing rapid change?

Create a short ppt which answers your groups corresponding question (above). Include a summary of information (with cited page #s) from Worldviews, as well as source you recommend for information.

Students will individually submit short answers to all 5 of the above questions, using the ppts, links, Worldviews, and any other sources (due date TBA). Written answers must be original and cite any sources referenced.

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