
PKM Restricts Dendritic Arbor Growth by Filopodial and Branch Stabilization within the Intact and Awake Developing Brain

Our November Journal Club will be happening on Monday, Nov 4, from 6-7pm in PCOH 1003!

For next week’s Journal Club, we will be going over a paper on the effects of PKM (a type of kinase) on filopodial dendritic arbor growth. It’s a really neat paper that looks at the molecular mechanisms underlying neuronal maturation during early brain development. So if you’re interested in neurons and cool images, come and check the journal club out!

Read the paper here! Try to at least skim it before the meeting to get familiar with the concepts and figures.

Don’t worry if you didn’t make it to the last meeting – everyone is welcome! This event requires paid membership to attend. Membership is only $5, and will grant you free entry into all of our events until the end of the academic year! Hope to see you all there!

Come to Research Night

The UBC Neuroscience Club will be hosting our very first Research NightMonday Oct 28th from 6-7pm in PCOH 1003! 

We will be having a panel featuring some of UNC’s executive team, speaking about their experience in Neuroscience research labs at UBC! The panelists come from diverse backgrounds, with experience in COGS, Behavioural Neuroscience, Public Health, and Biology research, that they became involved in through Directed Studies, WorkLearn, Volunteering, and Summer Positions. Come by to hear about all of the ways you can get involved in research at UBC!

This event is FREE for all members, and $2 for non-members. Memberships will also be sold at the event, which will grant you free entry to UNC events all year long!

Come out to UNC’s First General Meeting of the Year!

Hello everyone! UBC Neuroscience Club is hosting our first general meeting on September 23rd (TONIGHT!) , from 6-7pm. Come join us for cool trivia and enjoy socializing with our club executive team and other future members! This is a great opportunity for you to learn more about our club and our future events. Everyone is welcome to attend so make sure you bring a friend!! Hope to see you all there 🙂

WHERE: PCOH 1003 (Ponderosa Commons Oak House, Room 1003)
WHEN: Monday, September 23rd 2019, 6-7pm
Admission fee: $0

See you there!

Come Visit us at Clubs Days!

The UNC will be holding a booth at AMS Clubs Days, which will be held in the Nest next week from Tuesday, Sept 17th – Friday, Sept 20th from 11 AM – 3PM. Our booth will be on the lower level of the Nest next to CiTR. Come by to ask our executive team all about our upcoming events, and how you can get involved with UNC this year! It is also a great opportunity to pay your $5 membership fee as required by the AMS, which will get you free entry to the 4th annual Neuroscience Undergraduate Research Conference, our monthly journal clubs, and other club events throughout the year.

Come Visit Us at Imagine Day!

The UBC Neuroscience Club will be participating in UBC’s Imagine Day this year, on Tuesday, September 3rd. Our booth will be located between the Beaty Biodiversity Museum and the Earth Science Building on the East side of Main Mall. Whether you are beginning your first year or your fifth, come visit our booth to chat with this year’s new executives, sign up for our mailing list, and learn about some exciting new events that we have planned for this year!

Research Assistant Opportunity at the UBC Infant Studies Centre!

The UBC Infant Studies Centre (Werker Lab) is now accepting applications for Research Assistant positions in the upcoming academic year! They are currently seeking motivated undergraduates who…

  • Are interested in language acquisition, the brain, and development
  • Would enjoy working with parents and their infants (2-30 months old)
  • Can commit to 9 hours/week throughout the Winter terms
  • Have a GPA of at least 80% either overall or in their latest terms

RAs will be trained to contact families to invite them to participate in infant studies (which involve behavioural, EEG, and fNIRS methodologies), prepare materials for upcoming studies, and code videos of infant behaviour. RAs who excel are often assigned specific, ongoing projects that involve valuable hands-on research experience!

To apply, please send a brief statement of interest, resume/CV, and unofficial transcript (e.g. SSC grades summary) to Jack, Research Coordinator, at jack@psych.ubc.ca. Applications will be assessed as they are received.


Research Opportunity at Dr. Wolfram Tetzlaff’s lab at Blusson Spinal Cord Centre!

The following positions are available at Dr. Wolfram Tetzlaff’s lab at the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre:

1. Research associate, Dr. Behnia Lashkari at Tetzlaff lab is looking for a committed undergraduate student to aid him on tissue microscope image analysis in the summer. Behnia’s research focuses on myelination pathology and treatment.

2. Graduate student, Nima Alaeiikhchi is looking for a couple 2nd or 3rd year undergraduate students who are committed long-term to aid his research on effects of myelin plasticity and aging. The work will involve molecular biology techniques and mouse handling. The students must be available more than 20 hours a week in the summer, and be committed to spend at least 1 full day a week during fall/winter terms.

If you are interested, please email Behnia (behnia2@gmail.com) or Nima (nima.alaie@yahoo.com):

  • A cover letter introducing yourself and your reason for applying
  • A concise resume (1 page)
  • Your course schedule for winter and summer


Volunteer with the Vancouver Brain Injury Association!

Vancouver Brain Injury Association is a charity aimed at providing resources to brain injury survivors in the Vancouver area. Some of our services include support groups, workshops and in-school programs to prevent brain injuries before they even happen. We are currently looking for volunteers to join our fundraising and social media committees. Volunteers with VBIA will be responsible for event planning, working with brain injury survivors and interacting with staff & research assistants. Volunteering is a great way to eventually become an in-school volunteer or a payed position in the future! For more information, feel free to look over the document below or https://vancouverbia.org/. If you are interested, please email marisha@vbia.ca to get involved!

VBIA Volunteer Outline Summer 2019

Dr. Ines Violante – Brain state and polarity dependent modulation of brain networks by transcranial direct current stimulation

Hello everyone,

We hope you had a great weekend! Our next journal club will be Monday March 4th at 6:00 in IKB 461. The paper we will be reading is by Li et. al regarding transcranial direct current stimulation. We will also be discussing Dr. Ines Violante’s talk at the Centre for Brain Health taking place earlier on Monday at 12:00pm titled “Mapping the effects of transcranial electrical stimulation on brain function using fMRI”. Hope to see you on Monday at 6:00pm!