Hi, my name is, (what), my name is (who), my name is… ugh not really Genevieve but I am a Genevieve. I…don’t even listen to Eminem so why do I incorporate two references in the first two lines of this post?
I am a Genevievist in association with the one, the only, the Mighty Dragon and the Genevieves.
So I don’t know if I’m actually authorized to disclose this information. As in,the same people who storm in on ostriches, with rams in the Stride commericals or who censor the Caramilk ads when ever some martyr tries to release the forbidden secret of how they get the caramel in the centre will come and destroy me.
But here goes.
This second term WTFL started. Which contrary to popular belief does not stand for “WTF – ladies?” it’s Women’s Totem Football League.
Basically, each floor forms a team together and on the weekends there are hour long flag football games. It can get pretty brutal two weeks ago I earned myself four massive black and blue marks and some cuts. But hey, scars are sexy right?
Our team has played some pretty epic games and it all goes down to three things. The good ol’ Haida Pride Honour Respect. Which will hopefully surmount to one thing – glory. How does this awesome team keep in track? Well as an extremely self-motivated team we have practice twice a week. Every Saturday we eat breakfast together, get pumped to “Be a Man!” from the Mulan soundtrack and Eye of the Tiger. We have matching black bandanas and war paint and pretty much yell at our brother floor and friends to get out of bed and cheer us on.
Over the term our floor spirit as exploded and now includes a legit dragon costume, with hand sewn wings and large flag attached to a tree branch. No comment on how we got that.
I’ve never really been a huge fan of team sports, mostly in high school I kept to cross-country and nordic skiing. Individual endurance sports which tested my own strength and determination but TFL has taught me a lot about supporting each other and encouragement. When we win, we all win and when we lose, we all go to the caf and eat and train a run a little harder and wash the mud off our legs.
This Tuesday one of our dearest supporters is leaving us. We are terribly sad to see her go and along with our fantastic 10 plays which include “The BeyoncĂ©”, “Chaos”, “Little Man”, “Indian War Cry”, “Surprise Jamaican” and the long awaited never before seen “The Melanie”.
In honour of her epic presence on our floor and our (oh dear don’t get too sappy, Ned) friendship, we present the “Lady Jackknife”, the ultimate Pokemon fighter play. This one’s for you Harley. We’re going to make you proud.
See you on the field. Watch out for the Dragon and rogue tsunamis. Much love.