If you thought Carmen San Diego was hard to track down, or thought Waldo was difficult to find then you wouldn’t think some first year blog squader would be so tricky to follow now would you?
If there’s one thing about me you should know is that I love giant crowds of people. I literally feed off of other people’s energy and I can’t get enough of other people’s excitement.
I always wondered what it would be like to dance with thousands of people. I got my first taste in this park on Granville Island with the Vancouver MOB. Then at WE Day doing the WE Day dance. But dancing with close to 1,000 UBC students. That’s pretty impressive. I got to do that at the UBC Lip Dub. Curious to find me? Try and spot the girl in the white blouse dress, gold chain necklace and olive sweater around 4:30 doing a little Irish jig. Filming the helicopter scene was totally epic and Barney Stinson legen-wait for it I hope you’re not allergic to milk-dary.
Speaking of thousands of people, have you ever tried running with 50,000 people?
Just this weekend I ran the Vancouver Sun Run for the first time with three of the coolest out of province kids around. The 10Km Club at Totem got together and signed up a few months ago. It was a gorgeous day and as I was running over the Burrard Street bridge I literally felt on top of the world. Nothing like a runner’s high. The route was beautiful, one of the best ways to see Vancouver. If I ran past any kid shorter than my elbow I had to bend over and give the a high five. My respect level is just sky high for these kids.
I made my goal which was to run the 10km in less than an hour. Originally, I would’ve loved to have “Phoebe” ran the entire course. But that takes an insane amount of energy. For those of you who are like “Um, who’s Phoebe?”. Well my F.R.I.E.N.D.S. allow me to explain…

My running buddy stayed with every step of the way, which makes me realize how lucky I am to have such supportive friends. You know you get along, when you can sweat like a pig in front of them and still high five and non-awkwardly hug it out afterwards. The run was one of the endless cherries of this year as things are winding down. I say endless because I’ve had way too many “This is a great way to end the year” experiences.
The last month has just been a bunch of craziness from organizing my summer plans (which involved deciding between going back home, to staying out in BC, to going back home, to staying in Vancouver to… oh the suspense – exciting news TBA later!), applying for internships and jobs, writing papers, studying for finals, going to interviews.
But enough about work (Hah! Because who wants to hear about that? Durrh.) There’s been so much going on from the Tote Bowl Charity Football Tournament, Storm the Wall, Three Course Connection Dinner, Rez Spring Formal.
I promise to keep blogging over the summer. There’s four pieces of exciting news I need to share though! I got three promotions in three of the activities I’ve been involved with over the year:
1. I’m going to be on the Arts Tri-Mentoring Planning Committee next year!
2. I’m now officially part of the Anthropology Student Association executive!
3. I’m going to be an RA at Totem Park next year!
But most exciting of all…
4. I’m staying in Vancouver for the summer for a UBC Arts Internship!
Vancouver, you’ve stolen my heart. Looks like I’m here to stay.