Today might be a day worthy of Mr. Roger’s singing but let us be honest that for the most part it’s been kind of a cool summer. Hey, I’m not complaining, you have to take what you get. But as we reach the pivotal point of summer – that being the grand Civic holiday long weekend, let us take a moment and reflect on what the heck we’ve done for the past couple of months.
Summer’s a pretty substantial amount of time and no matter what you’re doing all I can say is that I hope you’re making the most of it. If you aren’t too pleased with what your list of summer activities looks like don’t fret. There’s a whole entire month left to carpe diem it up. Besides, it’s all about attitude.
For any of you recent high school grads, you’re now about half way into your summer. Unless, you finished those IB exams in May (boy, weren’t those fun times?). And the rest of us university kids have probably reached that “I’m ready to go back to school” phase. Everyone has done course selection now, if you’re on any student clubs or committees they’re probably starting to hunt you down so you can get ready for the big IMAGINE Day premiere, and Old Navy is the first to break out the BTS (back-to-school) ads on TV. I’m loving how they admit that it’s ridiculously early already.
So what has yours Ned truly been up to the past couple of months?
Trying to keep fit and maintain a steady level of endurance. Being some cross between a band-geek, a cheerleader, lyrical interpretive dancer and groupie to 41st and Home of 100.5 FM The Peak Performance Project. Check them out! Pretending to be an archaeologist in her Uncle’s backyard (aka. doing some gardening). Went back home to rekindle my long distance relationships with my best friends in Ontario, the land of hot hot heat. Was terribly scared they were all going to break up with me. Was totally relieved when they didn’t. Thought it would be a good idea not telling them I was there so I could make a big Hollywood movie surprise. Turned out it’s way harder to make get-together plans with your friends when they don’t know you’re attending. Making sketches of my future dorm room. Bawled my eyes out at Harry Potter 7.2. Finding perfectly pleasant place to retire in Steveston. Making friends with bus drivers. Being the only person in Canada watching the glee Project.
Did I mention I got all four of my wisdom teeth out a week ago? Mhm. Quite dandy.
I’m looking forward to IKEA trips, camping in Seattle and the fireworks tonight! You should look forward to a mini countdown to school blog series I will be posting up soon titled, “Ned’s declassified university survival guide!”. As I always say – get excited people!
And as an added bonus, just because it’s a lovely bright sunny Saturday morning, I will leave you with one of my favourite Saturday songs by The Airliners. Enjoy! S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y.