Dear My True Love,

I can’t seem to find the Partridge in a pear tree that you sent me.

But I don’t expect to find it until December 25th, which is (contrary to popular belief) the first day of Christmas in accordance to the song The Twelve Days of Christmas. Most people thinks it starts today, but in reality the twelve days actually start on Christmas Day and ends on the eve of Epiphany. I’m not going to pretend like I know everything about these 12 days in particular. There’s always wikipedia for those of you who are interested.

Point is – it’s December 1st. Crazy! I know. Where has all the time gone?

And I love it because everyone is in such a happy joyful Christmas (politically correct Holiday) mood. Starbucks has got the red cups. The radio is allowed to play songs like It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year. But in truth, that just makes me think of the Staples commerical of kids going back to school.

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Haha, I love it.

Totem got a little dash of holiday spirit last weekend with th Totem Park Semi-Formal and Snow Ball. I must say that I loved the decorations and the food was great. For once, the caf was very extra extra read all about it generous with the portions. I hope I wasn’t the only one prego with food baby afterwards. I can’t believe there’s still chocolate cake left overs in the caf. C’mon people, how can you resist!? It’s 85 cents with your meal card! Doooooo it.

The Food Services Staff even got dressed up too. It’s always nice seeing how people, especially the opposite sex (wink wink) can clean up. Talking about clean up. Hollla Movember is over! Thank goodness. Not saying I don’t support Prostate Cancer awareness but I have a friend who actually “Just-For-Men”-ed his blonde stache because people could not appreciate his fully grown peach fuzz. Props to all the guys out there that stuck it out for the month. I know it’s some male pride thing. I’ll have you know that I did make a fake stache and wore it… for about an hour.

What was I talking about? Snow Ball was lots of fun. It’s really interesting the affinity some people have for dancing on a stage. There’s squares that are lighting up and everyone must somehow find their way onto one because it’s like OMG! instant fame. I don’t know. But the icicles from the ceiling and fake snow made me feel like I was in some Gossip Girl episode from season two. (Okay so I looked it up and specifically 2×12 “It’s a Wonderful Lie” when the gang go to the *gasp* Snowflake Ball).

Anyways. Cheers to the last few days of actual classes everyone! I’ll still be blogging during the exam period. Goodluck with the studying. Since silent hours are starting soon (and my RA is on my back because of my loud mouth – I’m really really really really sorry I can’t help it Twig* if you’re reading this!) it looks like blogging will be my way of speaking out!

I’ll just have to imagine I’m doing the Vow all over again. (A post to come on that soon enough).

Yours truly. Love,


*Real name changed to protect privacy – sortofish.

Awkward and inbetween.

This entire weekend has just been filled with love and lack of sleep.

I’ve discovered the reason why I love the days I only get 3-5 hours of sleep. It’s because I would only be getting that little amount of sleep if I am so jam packed busy doing stuff that I love the other 19-21 hours. Plus, I am probably doing it all with my friends.

This isn’t a proper entry. It’s really more of a draft but to any of you reading this is me signing in to tell you that I’m alive and signing out until I can properly formulate my ideas publish the three drafts that I have lying around because this past week has been INTENSE.

As Tiger says “Tee tee eff en”.
Spread the love.

I stand silent.

At 11:00 a.m. today I stood silent for a quiet moment in the Commonsblock.

It is Remembrance Day. Although I did not attend the ceremony held on campus, I still took time out of my day to think of those brave soldiers who fought for our country.
Sure I have tons of things to do, thousands of thoughts racing through my head. But that doesn’t stop me from stopping. From pausing. Because everything that is going on right now is so insignificant to what was going on 92 years ago.

Is it concerning that yesterday somebody casually told me they couldn’t wait for class to be over so they could get wasted that night? Yes.

Students are now taking advantage, for whatever the reason, that there is a day off school. Getting so wasted they don’t even remember what happened the night before, or so crunk they don’t remember why the heck we call it Remembrance Day in the first place.

In elementary school, I wore my Girl Guide uniform to school for the special assembly in the gym. In middle school, I lead the entire assembly on stage reading out speeches of why we had gathered. In high school, we had guest speakers and veteran soldiers come in and share their stories.

And yet here I am at university and I stand alone.

Lest we forget.

We say this phrase, but I hope we have not already forgotten.

In other news, November 19th is the 21st anniversary for the Convention on the Rights of the Child and I will be silent for 24 hours. This means no Facebook, no cell phone, no talking, no hand gestures, no writing. Today, over one billion children live in poverty; many of whom struggle to overcome hunger, child labour, discrimination and lack of education. Their rights are not being upheld. Their voices are not being heard. For them, I will be silent.

I am taking the Vow of Silence. Will you join me?