T-minus… oh, whatever.

Technically, I haven’t done real math in a year. Yup, I just said real math. I use all those imaginary numbers and shiz on a daily basis.

Anyways, let me get started by saying ‘Hi!’ again. Yesterday, I attempted to do the unthinkable and stop time. Well guess what. YATTA!
Okay, but I promise that is the last time I will use my secret heroine powers for selfish reasons. Although, even if I’m lying you will never know…

Back to the point of this post. It’s been two days and I already have blogging A.D.D. Wow. Good job Ned. I am still in the process of making this site my own but I figured why not write something.

Right now, most of my fellow incoming UBC freshmen are starting to pack, saving coupons for Bed, Bath & Beyond because your mama told you to, enjoying the last week or so with your friends, wafting in the fresh back to school flyers that came in the mail. Alright, maybe that’s just me and the other superuber keener new kids on the block… Or if you’re one of the lucky international kiddies living it up at Jump Start (I’m jealous). Well, not completely jealous because I’m making my own jump start. Yup. On Sunday, in true John Denver fashion, I will be leaving on a jet plane at early morn on my way to the West Coast. So I guess that means t = 2.5 days = 65 hours = 3900 mins = when I have to start using a calculator.

If you’re wondering, I have some family out in Vancouver and Seattle area that I’m going to visit before the highly anticipated move-in day. However, the fact of the matter is that I have to say goodbye to a lot of people right now as I leave home.

Home. Why is it that everytime I say or even think that word now Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes pops into my head? YouTube Preview Image As you can see I am prone to make a few musical references in this blog. I only hope at least one person reading has heard of whatever artists, songs, lyrics, albums I may mention. If you have no clue what’s going on perhaps I’ll introduce you to some ‘new’ music you might like. Point is, in the song they sing “Home is wherever I’m with you.” Which is a nice and pleasant thought. But it’s a phrase that I will have to adopt for myself and make it true.

It’s hard thinking that I will be flying across the country so soon. I’ve been waiting for this for so long. The truth is that I’ve been talking about going away to school for quite a while now. (Ever since I originally applied to UBC way back in February). That I actually think I’ve convinced myself that I’m lying. I’m positive that soon enough two mininature Nicole figurines are going to pop up on my shoulders. One demanding to know when we leave, teasing me that it’s never going to happen, accusing me of lying to everyone I know. The other one hopeful that I need to be patient that my plane ticket is booked and I am ready for the greatest leap of my adolescent life.

Everyday ‘it’ hits me a little more, but some thoughts that keep me going: I’m ready. This is what I chose, this is what I want, this is my dream that I’m going after. And that I will never be far from home, because “home is wherever I’m with you.”