Oh how I love how that word grabs attention.

Especially when there’s cookies behind it!


Sadly, what’s up with me most recently is that I am sick. So no free cookies for me.

The truth is that in highschool I have only missed one day of school due to illness.

If it weren’t for the pandemic, I would mostly likely go to school tomorrow.  So right now I’m weighing out what I will miss tomorrow, which actually is quite alot, but after reading Tysune’s post about H1N1, I’m 90% commited to staying home tomorrow.

I think I feel fine, but that could be the my infected mind speaking.  However, I think the fact that my voice sounds like Miley Cyrus right now would probably make teachers send me home.

[side note #1] If I were a parent right now I would be wary about sending my kids trick or treating on Saturday.  Candy from possibly infected strangers? Hmm… but free candy is just so hard to turn down.

[side note #2] Has anyone heard about the Halloween party on the skytrain?

[edit] I actually ended up going to school…

Reading has never been so hard.

The following red box contains a single sentence.


Okay not exactly.  There were 3 more lines on the previous page.

High school did not warn me about this.

Isn’t there some sort of grammar rule against sentences this long?

[low quality cell phone picture of JOHN LOCKE The Second Treatise of Government p 491 for Philosophy 102]

Opinions on Philosophy.

(Ooo… what a paradox! To me, philosophy is just one big opinion anyway.  Please don’t take offence to that, I may just be uninformed.)

Anyway, I got distracted with a thought while writing my philosophy paper:

For my paper I have to argue for an idea, object myself, and build my case again.  The problem is, deep down in my heart I believe in idea “A” but as I start writing the objection the counter idea seems to become so true that I can’t argue against it.

At this point, the professor says to change it so that you agree with the counter and use your initial arguement as the objection.

Even then, it’s hard on the soul to argue for something you don’t want to believe.

So, do you believe in the power of believing? That as long as you do, it can still be true?

A Walt Disney world like that seems too good to be true to me.

The power of believing would be useful to get through these dark midterm days though.

After my “emo” night after the econ midterm I realized: believe in yourself.  When it comes down to the moment when you sit down for your exam, you just have to believe you can do it, there is no alternative.

Good luck everyone, and happy thanksgiving!

My First University Midterm.

Math. 1 hour. 4 questions. 40 marks. Each question had sub questions.

Here is what I learned/relearned/confirmed about the test taking process.

1. Skip the questions you don’t know. (In my case the first 2 pages.)

2. Breathe.

3. If there is a question you cannot finish all the way, mark it on the side so you remember to come back to it.

4. Remember to go back to it.

5. If you really don’t know, make educated guesses. (Unless it’s those multiple choice tests where they take off marks for getting it wrong and nothing when you don’t answer)

6. In the case of math, if you do all the work and you get an answer, but you know the answer is impossible/wrong, and you are almost out of time: use whatever answer that seems to be possible/right (ie. from plugging into calculator)

7. (#6 is something I learned in highschool. Comes from the idea that doing the work right gets you marks and getting the right answer gives you a mark. However, it may not be the case anymore. I’m not sure.)

8. Water = good. It helps your brain work better.

9. Too much water = bad. Don’t want to have to go for a bathrooom break…

10. Breathe, stay calm. Even when it is over and you are thinking “FML.”

[side note] I do not guarentee that these “tips” work. I am not liable for any mistakes you may make. The truth is that even I don’t follow my own ideas all the time. Espicially #10. If you saw me on the #43 today going home, then you understand.

This always cracks me up:


On a lighter note…

Midterms. They’re here. Or they will be. Or if for some reason your only midterm was the Chemistry one from last night then you sure are lucky.

Here’s  a cute/funny post I found this forum. It made me smile and then I realized how true it is for me.

Are You This Type of Student?

New School Semester:

After the First Week:

After the Second Week:

Before the Mid-Term Test:

During the Mid-Term Test:

After the Mid-Term Test:

Before the Final Exams:

Once You Get to Know the Final Exam Schedule:

7 Days Before the Final Exam:

6 Days Before the Final Exam:

5 Days Before the Final Exam:

4 Days Before the Final Exam:

3 Days Before the Final Exam:

2 Days Before the Final Exam:

1 Day Before the Final Exam:

The Night Before the Final Exam:

1 Hour Before the Final Exam:

During the Final Exam:

Stepping Out of the Exam Hall:

After the Final Exam, During the Holidays:


Another fun thing that I just wanted to share:

Arrr… ye should try it. Even yer emails’ll come in pirate.

I am currently: