A typical day.

I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while.  I couldn’t think of anything to talk about.

So on the bus to school on Thursday, I asked myself why I didn’t have anything to say.  It hit me that the school life has come to the point where I officially deem myself “settled in” even though I still feel like I have alot to catch up on.

Rather than telling you my daily schedule, I will share with you these things that I find are consistent in my day other than the classes that I have to go to.

There is always…

@9-10: moments of staring at people on the bus and wondering what they’re thinking and where they’re going.

@11-12: something to catch up on, something to study for, some meeting to be at.  There is always something.  The perpetual stress… but even stress can be something to get used to.

@lunch: distracted by things to check out at the SUB like that scarf stand or the AMS art gallery.

@the class after I ate: a moment of dozing off, followed by a moment of “how long was I out?”, followed by a moment of “I’m so screwed for this class.”

@ another class: repeat the 3rd moment of the previous.

@a class where I have friends: something inappropriate to laugh at.

@…a random time: some place to explore.  Like going to the 2nd floor of the SUB and seeing what the rooms are booked for that day.  Man, I feel like such a creeper.

@…a random place: seeing something I didn’t notice before

^ the SUB 2nd floor. (Dun dun dun, are they straight or misaligned? It’s an optical illusion~~)

@Angus or that road between Irving and Chemistry: someone handing me something.

@sometime near the end of the day: doing something stupid.  For instance on Friday: walking backwards against the wind for a couple hundred meters.  It’s warmer that way. Really. (Don’t worry, it’s much less embarrassing when you’re not doing it by yourself… and at 5:30 with no one around)

@bus ride home: something to talk about with friend… usually something that questions the way people are.

@Friday: the desperate feeling to hang out with someone in hopes of recovering the sanity you lost over the week.