Summer To Do List.

Summer of 3rd year is quite possibly my last summer vacation ever. Or at least until I retire or strike it rich. When will I ever get four months of no responsibilities and a casual return to the usual in September again? Maybe if I take more than 4 years to graduate. (Which is likely too actually…)  To try and not regret the following months, I’ve started a list of stuff I want to do before the summer ends.

  1. Dye my hair something not brown:, blonde or red: because someday a wacky hair colour might stand between me and a job
  2. Master parallel parking: I have my N but I still can’t really do this
  3. Drive on the highway (after the parallel parking mastering)
  4. Write a song
  5. Go on a short distance trip: likely Seattle or Banff
  6. Watch a band play live, maybe an indie show would be cool
  7. Watch the new Batman movie
  8. Watch the new Spiderman movie
  9. Watch at least two movies on my IMDB watchlist outside of the two above mentioned movies
  10. Travel somewhere farther away for over a week, or however long I can take work off
  11. Go hiking
  12. Play basketball
  13. Make a creative contribution at work
  14. Read a book
  15. Then read another book
  16. Learn to read and write 100 Chinese characters
  17. Lose 5 pounds, or alternative: get fit

So the items aren’t anything seriously epic, but it’s a start.

There was actually a lot of contemplation done before deciding what to do this summer.  School? Work? Full time or part time? Paid or un-paid? Travel?

Summer of 3rd year is a chance to make sure you graduate in 4 years, if that is your goal. Third year is a great time to get an internship too. What with the fear of an empty resume next spring and the many opportunities to leverage our student status for a real foot in the door somewhere.

I think getting an internship would have been the smarter choice for my future. I ended up disregarding that. I’ve taken summer school every year since grade 8, except grade 12.  I worked/volunteered at the same time for most of those summers.  I don’t regret any of those summers at all, but taking a summer to just be a kid again is the choice I felt I needed to pick.  Many internships are full time all summer long, so travelling for something like two weeks would be out of the question. Maybe I’m just a fool who has fallen to short-sighted temptations. Hope I don’t regret it!

Words of wisdom from my Hong Kongnese room mate:

“Life gets so rushed, people just need to do some pointless stuff before they can return to the productive stuff.”

Ok, that sounded way better in Chinese but I hope it makes sense.  I have so much stuff to do, and only 3 weeks left of classes here.  Time passes by so extremely fast and I have all these things I want to talk about but no time to talk about them and I’ll probably forget them all or be uninspired by the time I DO get time for it. *inhale*

Here is something “pointless” that is subtly wise and very entertaining.  I think it captures a lot of what university students of this generation are/will face.

I’m only 20, but I cracked up at it.

Some words of wisdom from my services marketing class today:

“Positive attitude is the backbone of confidence.”

I will try hard to be more positive =)


Ups and Downs of Dorm Living

If I haven’t mentioned it before, when attending UBC I live at home in Burnaby, an hour away from school by transit, with my family. My dad, my overprotective brother and my mom who is there once or twice a year. Hong Kong is a whole other story. I am living in student residence. Hall 2 of 9 Halls with other people around my age with a distribution of about 50% locals and 50% other (international, mainland China, exchange.) Or at least that was what I was told the distribution is.

The only similarity is the distance to the nearest mall is about the same and the route to it is divided by a similarally steep hill.

I love living on campus to the point where I am starting to wonder if there is something wrong with me because I feel like I should be feeling home sick. Lets arbitrarily analyze this with a +/- scale and see if I am being blinded by my freedom from commuting (and freedom in general) or if this really as wonderful as it feels.

  • 15 minute walk to school vs 1 hour transit? No brainer. +10
  • Not having the worry about staying at school extra late doing projects (which is surprisingly common here) and then waiting for the bus in the rain. +5
  • No longer having ask if I can go out (I have “Asian parents.”) +7  Though still getting checked up on over the phone. -2
  • Haven’t had a decent home cooked meal in a month. -4
  • Eating out at unique places all the time. Only +4 because then you realize it gets expensive and you start saving by going to some not so good for you places *cough*McDonalds*cough*
  • Big Mac meals and McNugget meals here are only $2.50 here! +0… It’s McDonalds.
  • The stove here is actually a hot plate. Only -1 because I don’t cook here.
  • Another -1 because I don’t cook.
  • Weekly dessert night for Hall 2!!! Only +1 …because I have gotten fatter =I
  • Unhealthy changes in appetite due to lack of affordable quality portioned correctly food on campus. -6
  • When your food gets stolen or destroyed in the tiny common fridge. -4 because then you’ll never put anything in it again.
  • Another -2 for the sheer lack of space in that fridge.
  • Having an awesome room mate who likes the stuff you like and has similar sleeping patterns. Neutral. Because it could have easily been the opposite. But +2 because she is just that awesome.
  • Hard time getting alone time to be depressed and moody. -5
  • Easy time to find someone to hang out with. +4
  • Learning about other cultures because res is so diverse. +6
  • The sharpest rise in number of Facebook friends (and real friends of course ;)) I will probably ever have. +1
  • The hall committee banging on doors every night trying to solicit votes. -1
  • Living independently for the first time can be really taxing on your self control. Neutral. It’s good preparation for life?
  • There are no dorm parties here but there is the nightly drinking and hanging out on the lawn. +2
  • I can’t sing as loudly as I want to my music of questionable taste. -3
  • That moment when you realize you don’t have basic supplies such as an umbrella, toilet paper or a blanket for the changing weather. -2 because then you realize those things are super cheap in Hong Kong.
Grand score: +11
Yes res life. You are that awesome.
^View from my hall of Hall 4 and 5 and the direction of the school.

I can’t decide.

I’m sitting in my dorm in Hong Kong thinking of posting and staring out the window at the hazy sky that reminds me very much of Vancouver.  You know, the gray-about-to-rain looking kind of skies.  I can’t decide what to write about.  Challenges of healthy living at dorms?  School stuff? The exchange student partying habits?  Extracurricular activities?  Budgeting? Homesickness? I can’t decide.

I made a friend here who is from HEC in Quebec.  He says it must be a Vancouverite thing, the indecision. You know those times when you hang out with a bunch of people but no one wants to make a decision on what to do?  I have a friend from home who is taking a semester off in HK and when we all hung out, he said it’s not indecision, it’s being considerate.  I think it’s just personal indecision on my part.  Is indifference the same as indecision or just an excuse for it?

People who return from exchange often say they learned so much about themselves and the world.  For me, even though it’s only been a month, it’s the meeting people all the time factor that is affecting me most.  You can’t call up your best friends to go out when you’re lonely or rely on someone to be on MSN to fill your social gap (time differences boo.)  The business student teachings also kick in and tell me to go out there and “network.”  Get bored, meet people more often than I would at home, and then I’m plunged into the awesome cosmo of knowledge and insight that is the bigger world.

I met up with an “acquaintance-friend” (those people who you would say are your friends but you don’t know them all that well) who quit school to move back to Hong Kong and work in his family’s business. I learned he is very ambitious. When I hear about what he has been doing and what he wants to do it makes me wonder if I should be ambitious too and build great dreams risking failure or just be calm and content and stable?  At times I wonder if there is even a decision there.  I guess it’s more like I don’t have a picture for my future. Like its an empty frame hanging in white space.  Maybe I’m uninspired.  I love ambitious people, I always learn so much from them.

Go be ambitious, you’re young, just do it.
(September 12, 2011: Mid-Autumn Festival, Victoria Park)  

Whilst talking to my friend I noticed two feelings that young ambitious people tend to tell me about:

1. We want to do something great and we know that we can, we just don’t know what it is yet.

2. We either hold fears that someday we will be [age] and we won’t be where we want to be or we are already feeling like we are not the person who we thought we would be by now.

Do you think this is universal? It is striking how extremely similar my friend’s feelings were to other young ambitious people I know.

“If only I had a dream, then I’d chase it like mad” I would tell myself.  People my age with dreams tell me “if only I knew for sure this is what I want.”  I’d like to hear what someone who knows for sure has to say.


Windy days here are wonderful =)

The only fair thing in the world: Time

All the worries of my days in university so far have all been fixated around time.  There’s so much time spent on things like commuting, breaks that are too long but not long enough between classes, time spent on recovering energy from commuting too long (which by the way doesn’t make any  but I still do it.)  And the procrastination.  Oh my all the procrastination.  By the time the weekend comes along I still don’t feel like I have enough time and then the weekend passes like it never even came.

Yesterday Robert Herjavec, one of the Dragon’s from CBC’s The Dragon’s Den came to speak about what mostly seemed like inspiration.  He told us a story about a time when Arnold Schwarzenegger went to speak at a university and a student was upset about the tuition increase proposals.  The student said that a tuition increase would mean that he would have to get a job.  Arnold said so what?  The student then argues that getting a job means less time to study, and he’ll do bad in school and he won’t have any sleep (I bet that sounds familiar).  Arnold asks him how many hours he needs to sleep.  Boy replies 8.  Arnold says 6 is enough.  Boy says 6 is not enough for him.  Arnold says “sleep faster.”

Were you waiting for something deeper?

Herjavec’s presentation was indeed deep, that was just something he said that I really wanted to share.

Anyway, the majority of the presentation was about achieving success.  He said that if you’re poor, or if you’re ugly, or if you’re just stuck with some bad dispositions, of course it’s going to be harder for you.  And then the next point he made stuck with me so much, the only equal playing field we have is the fact that we all have the same amount of time.

Think about someone you admire, or someone you envy.  What are they doing with their time that you aren’t?  Why aren’t you?

That is so easy to say but it’s not like I’m satisfied with every action I make.  But I’m working on it, maybe it’s all a part of growing up.  (…Am I going to be 30 years old some day and still being saying stuff like “it’s a part of growing up?”)

Lazy Summer Mornings.

From a distant perspective, school starting on the 2nd week of September always makes me feel good. Like as if I’m cheating time for a longer summer. However, in the moment right now, it feels more like an extended funeral with 5 days of mourning. Or perhaps sort of like how I would expect myself to feel if someone told me I was dying and I was out to suck some marrow of life, except I’m not dying so I laze around with the intent to suck the marrow out of life.

Did I have plans for my summer at home? Yes. Did I fulfill them? Not all of them. Did I attempt to? Yes… sort of. Will I keep trying? Well no, the summer is over. What keeps me from doing these things even though summer is over? …

Note to self: just because it’s not summer doesn’t mean you can’t do all those things you “wanted to do but didn’t have time for” over the school year. Key word = prioritize. What makes you happy? Long run and short run.

So how am I spending my last cherished Saturday morning? (Whatever happened to Fox Box!?)

I’m looking at pictures of nebulae (nebula…s).

And for some reason I’m getting a slight motion sickness kind of feeling when I look at them.

I get this same feeling when I’m on Google Maps looking at things like mountains or bodies of water in satellite view.

I guess I’m just not cut out to be an alien.

Headless warrior is a great plan B though.


Before the days of university I have never heard anyone use the word “keener.”  Now it’s everywhere.  It had to come from somewhere though right?  So someone’s high school must have used “keener.”

Were you a “keener” user?

How I dream for the day when someone calls me a keener and seriously means it.  At this rate it is a lost hope, as are my grades.

Okay I really shouldn’t be saying that.  Yesterday when I was hanging out with a smart friend of mine I realized, the mindset of especially smart people are very different, maybe it is why they are so smart.  She got a midterm back  and it was the first time she had ever done so bad.  Some of you may be thinking “pft probably over exaggerating one of those ‘Asian fails’ again.  Those over achievers =(” but no, it was a genuine way below fail, fail.

And she told me, whilst half speaking to herself: “OK I’LL STUDY AND ON THE FINAL I WILL KNOW EVERY SINGLE QUESTION!!”


To me anyway.  I’m sure she meant it in 100% of the meaning of “every.” When I fail or do bad I just honestly tell myself “I’ll work hard and seriously work to the best of my abilities for the next one” but I have never gone for the “I will know it all” mentality.

I really found it amazing how she seriously meant she would aim for it all.  Could this be a defining factor from the normal and the brilliant?


I did more exploring yesterday too.

The subbasement of Korener.  What a death trap.

It’s all quiet, you’re lucky if you see a few lively souls around.  You’re walking down the wide middle aisle but your wet sneakers are squeaking across the linoleum tiles so you decide to turn into a smaller carpeted lane.


You don’t really know where you’re heading as every path seems to start looking the same.  You start walking faster hoping to find a way out.  CREAK. What was that? You turn around hoping to find that someone stepped on one of those metal things that enter into the shelves.  No one.  You face forward again and you suddenly realize the shelves are moving on their own.

You panic, you duck between nearest shelves.


Ok this one was way too narrow to fit completely inside.  So you go for the historic Vietnam section. You lean against the the old books trying to catch your heart beat.  Suddenly you realize the walls are closing in on you.  You’re in the midway point between the two ends of the shelf.  You waste 4 seconds trying to decide which side you run towards.  You try to yell out and even though the library is so quiet the layers of shelves block out the sound.

But you’re a keener and you escaped.

Those shelves really scare me though.  I have a hard time walking between them slowly and calmly.

A typical day.

I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while.  I couldn’t think of anything to talk about.

So on the bus to school on Thursday, I asked myself why I didn’t have anything to say.  It hit me that the school life has come to the point where I officially deem myself “settled in” even though I still feel like I have alot to catch up on.

Rather than telling you my daily schedule, I will share with you these things that I find are consistent in my day other than the classes that I have to go to.

There is always…

@9-10: moments of staring at people on the bus and wondering what they’re thinking and where they’re going.

@11-12: something to catch up on, something to study for, some meeting to be at.  There is always something.  The perpetual stress… but even stress can be something to get used to.

@lunch: distracted by things to check out at the SUB like that scarf stand or the AMS art gallery.

@the class after I ate: a moment of dozing off, followed by a moment of “how long was I out?”, followed by a moment of “I’m so screwed for this class.”

@ another class: repeat the 3rd moment of the previous.

@a class where I have friends: something inappropriate to laugh at.

@…a random time: some place to explore.  Like going to the 2nd floor of the SUB and seeing what the rooms are booked for that day.  Man, I feel like such a creeper.

@…a random place: seeing something I didn’t notice before

^ the SUB 2nd floor. (Dun dun dun, are they straight or misaligned? It’s an optical illusion~~)

@Angus or that road between Irving and Chemistry: someone handing me something.

@sometime near the end of the day: doing something stupid.  For instance on Friday: walking backwards against the wind for a couple hundred meters.  It’s warmer that way. Really. (Don’t worry, it’s much less embarrassing when you’re not doing it by yourself… and at 5:30 with no one around)

@bus ride home: something to talk about with friend… usually something that questions the way people are.

@Friday: the desperate feeling to hang out with someone in hopes of recovering the sanity you lost over the week.