But… what if I can’t swim?

At 1:03 pm in my quantitative analysis class I received the following text:

“Hey u wanna join longboat with _____, _____ n ______?”

Stoaked! What? A chance to participate in a recreational school activity?  I haven’t done that since… high school!

Sadly I checked my schedule and realized I was going to another school activity on the same day from this club I joined (Speaking of clubs, clubs days are coming up… I have something to say about clubs but I’ll save it for another post.)

Anyway, longboat sure looks fun and I really hope I get to participate in it once before I graduate.

Here is their promo vid.

Is anyone participating?  Deadline is on Wednesday.  Go forth and fulfill my dream for me! =P



Remember the Olympics back in February? (How could one forget?)

Back then I went to one of the free concerts, Our Lady Peace at the Richmond Ozone to be exact, and there was this really kick ass band that opened for them. I didn’t know that band but their song was so catchy I had to sing along out loud with my friend even though we were just singing whatever we were thought we were hearing. (Which was right… for the most part.) I ended up playlisting them on Youtube for almost 3 weeks.

So they’re at UBC tomorrow.

For once it wasn’t the FREE that caught my attention but “Arkells.” =) check em out if you got time.  Sadly… and very sadly… sad to the point that it was putting a rather large hole in my day today… I have work.  So rock out for me.

Speaking of “free”, there seems to be less free stuff this year on campus.  I have, however, finally landed myself a pair of those green Telus sunglasses.  You know the ones.

Buying Used Textbooks? Patience Young Grasshopper.

Hello folks, welcome to another episode of Learn from Paulina’s Mistakes!

*cue quirky music and audience pan with title overlay in some cheesy font*

Today’s adventure is one that many students, if have not embarked on, have at least considered doing so. Buying used textbooks. (Seriously, Phoebe’s post… even 2 years later, is still the shit.)

I’ve been hovering over sites for the past 3 days for 2 out of the 6 books I need. Why am I not hovering for the other 4?  I either plan to keep them (my Japanese books) or there is a new edition and I’m going to wait and see.  Hopefully it won’t end up like my calculator incident.

Anyway, here is how my process of buying used books, let me know if you have something else.

1) Find out what the book looks like and how much it costs at the book store (I really hope my friend didn’t lie to me about the prices because I didn’t go to the store)

2) Find out who is selling it for the cheapest (duh) and contact them, contact all of the people selling it for that price.

3) Wait for them to contact you back.

4) If they contact you, great, just set it up (well here is room to bargain if you wish.) If not, go back to step 2.

Easy right? Simple right? I had this all worked out, I was on my 3rd lap back at step 3 for my Managerial Accounting book after chasing the $70s. I had looked for $65 and $70 books before and gave it a day for their response.  However, this time, instead of emails, these people selling for $80 range offered phone numbers.  So I called, and unlike when I was buying my “Managing the Employment Relationship” book, my phone calls moved swiftly down the list.  Everyone had sold theirs.  I was starting to get worried.  Halfway down the page I found someone selling the book for $75 that I’d missed before and texted her (because that was what she wanted… looking at it now, maybe I should have called.)  But honestly, I had little hopes that this was still available because everyone above her on the list had sold, even the ones that were $80.  I kept going down the list.  Finally! Someone who still had the book.  Sealed the deal with my verbal word.  “Are you buying it for sure?” “Yes.”  About a minute later the $75 person texted me back and said she was still selling.


Just needed a little patience.  About 10 minutes worth of it.  I had a days worth of it before, but when the list started moving fast I had to settle.

Here are my pickings in the end:

Book Bookstore Price Price I Bought for
Managerial Accounting $162 $80
Managing the Employment Relationship $84 $35

Unfortunately, for accounting I still have to buy the Lyryx access code,  I hope it isn’t that much.

The real lesson though isn’t really patience.   Because it is still a pretty good deal, usually.

The real lesson is:  Buy used = no HST = win!

Lazy Summer Mornings.

From a distant perspective, school starting on the 2nd week of September always makes me feel good. Like as if I’m cheating time for a longer summer. However, in the moment right now, it feels more like an extended funeral with 5 days of mourning. Or perhaps sort of like how I would expect myself to feel if someone told me I was dying and I was out to suck some marrow of life, except I’m not dying so I laze around with the intent to suck the marrow out of life.

Did I have plans for my summer at home? Yes. Did I fulfill them? Not all of them. Did I attempt to? Yes… sort of. Will I keep trying? Well no, the summer is over. What keeps me from doing these things even though summer is over? …

Note to self: just because it’s not summer doesn’t mean you can’t do all those things you “wanted to do but didn’t have time for” over the school year. Key word = prioritize. What makes you happy? Long run and short run.

So how am I spending my last cherished Saturday morning? (Whatever happened to Fox Box!?)

I’m looking at pictures of nebulae (nebula…s).

And for some reason I’m getting a slight motion sickness kind of feeling when I look at them.

I get this same feeling when I’m on Google Maps looking at things like mountains or bodies of water in satellite view.

I guess I’m just not cut out to be an alien.

Headless warrior is a great plan B though.