Here Comes… Good Times!!

After my final exam on Monday morning I simply couldn’t stop smiling to myself on the bus.  I must’ve looked like a fool.  A very happy fool.  That sense of accomplis- WHO CARES IT’S THE HOLIDAYS WOO.

ABC, why would you do that, how do I choose which The Grinch to watch?

I love holiday movies, just so feel-good and reminds me of being a kid.  Especially when Vancouver usually has undesirable weather at this time and I’m stuck inside.

My favorite:

Another favorite:

Another that comes to mind:

Any recommendations?

Hope everyone is enjoying their break… though this year it feels so extremely short!

4 down. 1 to go.

Finals that is.

One surprisingly major difference I am noticing between 1st year and 2nd year, despite the content being substantially harder to understand, I’m not studying nearly as hard as I did last year. Last year, during the finals weeks, I practically lived at the public library. 9 am out the door, 7 pm return home, a 1 hour break in the middle for food. I don’t even work that hard during school time…

This year though, I haven’t hit the library. I’ve been studying but I’ve spent a lot of time not studying. Other than the disturbing feeling in my gut telling me “GO STUDY, YOU’RE GOING TO FAIL!!!!” In some ways I already feel like I’m already on break. Looking at it now, what exactly was I doing at the library last year? Practice questions? Note writing? What- what the heck?  I feel like I have nothing to do but read and write the same notes over and over this time around.  Last year I grasped at every second like they were drifting lifesavers in the middle of a stormy ocean. Compared to last year, this year it’s like I’m floating on my back, sure I’m thrashing around the night before exams but otherwise I haven’t become the stressed out mess I was last year.

Am I learning from experience?

I definitely was not more on top of things in terms of keeping up with reading compared to last year.

Maybe I’m just reading faster.

Maybe I’ve stopped caring?

Maybe I did horrible on my exams!!

To the first years: was it more stressful than you thought it would be?

To the non first years:  do you find yourself studying less intensely in your second year?

Career contemplating again.

Whilst studying for my Human Resources Management final, I became unbelievably bored.  Distractions are common when it comes to studying (like being on Blogsquad instead of studying for my econ final tomorrow…)  But distractions are one thing and pure disinterest in a subject completely is another.  I just didn’t care.  Especially when it came to reading about laws and stuff.  So last night I decided, HR is completely out of the picture for my potential major.

When it came down to the exam and I was sitting at the little wobbly desk in the gym, the strangest thing happened.  HR just flowed through me.  I was so in the zone.  More than that, it was… dare I say it… fun.  I hated remembering all the rules and stuff but when it came to the other aspects, it was rather entertaining thinking about answers to questions like “what would you suggest to NAME in regards to SOME HR CONCEPT ie termination.”  And so I’m back to square one again.

My dad told me last night “you can make plans, but they’re going to change.”

Boy did my plans change fast.

One plan I don’t think will change:

My plan to avoid cubicles as much as possible.

I WAS TOLD A HELPFUL STUDY TIP: Listen to epic music to make your studying feel epic.

Haha, one of the comments: “While doing Calculus homework, this song makes me feel like the next answer I solve cures cancer lol.” – XagonogaX

Enjoy. =)