My Favorite Class.

his palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy

hit by the fact it’s that time already

prayin’ and hopin’, teach won’t pick his name next
‘fraid of taking all those stares and losing word’s effects
success. that is what he’s aiming for.
no one wants to be a bore.
all we want is just the glor-
re. read, the letters with some grace.
man, give the man some space.
as he sets a good pace.
and the projection
the volume
the general stare
known as contact
to react to his pretty little act.

What class is this that I’m describing? COMM 299: Public Speaking.  I could be getting 50% in this class for all I know but I definitely enjoy it more than other classes.

Why I like it:

  • Sit and listen to people talk. The topics are broad, so people are probably saying things they actually mean.
  • Nerve wracking adrenaline.
  • It’s like the drama class I never had. Only less drama.

Then again, I’ve only had 2 classes of it so far.  Maybe that’s why I like it…

Random fact about me #3: I like to randomly rap… and sing… and make covers on Youtube. Let’s never speak of it again.

What’s your favorite class?
(It’s ok if you just hate school too.)