So busy… again.

I’m finding I am always either pressed for time or have waaay too much of it.  How does the balancing act work anyway?

1st midterm tomorrow so I thought I’d just share my… study music!

On emotionally depressed days: John Mayer
On chilled out mornings:  Jason Mraz
On chilled out afternoons: Arctic Monkeys
On needing some energy boost days: Miyavi, Ok Go
On distracted days: Edith Piaf (or anything in a language I cannot decipher)
On the day after the distracted days: Sinatra
On days of cramming: [insert link for sound of bustle in the SUB followed by sound of low humming in Koerner]

Everything else: start with one random Youtube video, make a playlist of recommended links. Play.

Studies say you should study in the same atmosphere as the testing room, makes sense but oh well.

Just curious, does anyone listen to the radio anymore? Do you study with sound? If so what?

Bookstore tips for first year students that I just remembered.

1) For those taking math (differential calculus):

Yes, you will need that calculator that they ask you to buy.  They will only allow that one at quizzes/tests/midterms/exams.

Well…  you might not need it at first.  However, my experience was like this…

September – “Waaat $10?? Pft, I’ll live with my own calculator… oh wait what I can’t? Whatever we’llll see.”

Mid September – “Hey… this isn’t so bad, I don’t even need a calculator”

First Midterm –  “Hey prof, do you think we’ll need a calculator for the midterm?” “No it should be ok” “Do you think we’ll need a calculator for this class at all?” “You don’t need to have one but…” “Ok.”

After first midterm – “Holy crap that was hard, but a calculator wouldn’t have saved me”


1 week before 2nd midterm at the UBC Bookstore – “=( the rebate on the calculators are gone!!”

2 days before midterm at Staples’ cash register (where it was cheaper) – *defeated*

2) Waits at the Bookstore for the first few weeks of the semester during the day are about an hour, that doesn’t include you wandering around the bookstore looking for the books and getting distracted by UBC swag and Mac books.  So if you and your friends have breaks that are too short, you can always camp in the line for each other haha.

3) Discount Books in the Village is your FRIEND.  The lines are faster too.

4) #3 doesn’t apply if you must buy many “Custom” Packages.  But those are cheaper than book so whatever.

5) Those Access Code things (ie. Lyryx) are not cheap to buy online.  So if you want to buy a second hand book (which are usually keyless) to save money, depending on how much you get it for, you might not save money at all.

Look what I found! Hello Math 184.

Honestly though, I actually miss math.  But I can’t say, I will voluntarily take it again.

Ah Democracy.

The voters have spoken.

Do you support the Sauder Building Renewal Project with the associated $500 annual Building Renewal Student Fee commencing in September 2012, as described in the Memorandum of Understanding?

63% Yes

What is the immediate result I see?

Undergrad Society Fees Winter Session 2009-2010

Arts (BA, BFA, and Diploma Programs) $13.00
Commerce (B.Com.) $266.00
Education (including Diploma Programs) $10.00
Applied Science (Engineering) $57.00
Dentistry $115.00
Forestry $50.00
Human Kinetics $10.00
Land & Food Systems (BSc (Agr.)) $30.00
Law $148.00
Medicine: First and Second Years $58.00
Medicine: Third and Fourth Years $68.00
Music $10.00
Nursing $28.50
Pharmacy $18.00
Rehabilitation Sciences $6.00
Social Work $5.00
Science $22.00

Undergrad Society Fees Winter Session 2012+

Arts (BA, BFA, and Diploma Programs) $13.00
Commerce (B.Com.) $266.00 + $500
(subject to inflation)
Education (including Diploma Programs) $10.00
Applied Science (Engineering) $57.00
Dentistry $115.00
Forestry $50.00
Human Kinetics $10.00
Land & Food Systems (BSc (Agr.)) $30.00
Law $148.00
Medicine: First and Second Years $58.00
Medicine: Third and Fourth Years $68.00
Music $10.00
Nursing $28.50
Pharmacy $18.00
Rehabilitation Sciences $6.00
Social Work $5.00
Science $22.00

It’s pretty obvious what I voted right?  The majority disagrees but all I see is that the grand total of $766 is 5 times more expensive than the #2 rank spot of Law.

Well… it’s like shopping.  In the long run it’s not so much as how much you had to pay but if it was worth the money.  At the moment… I’m really not so sure to be honest.  Feels like a designer bag that only fits a piece of gum.

This Sauder referendum thing?

If you’re in Sauder and and you’re concerned, please raise your hand.

I am concerned,  But then again, I’m also really confused right now so I may be being misguided into my worry.

Back up.

What’s going on?  [WARNING: I may be misinformed, I am definitely confused, but it seems I am not the only one, so I share what I understand of it in hopes we can collaborate in our confusion and figure it out… you may be better off with a real “news source”]

Sauder school of business is running (holding?) a “referendum”.

In short:
– The government changed it’s mind about giving Sauder the money it needs to implement “Phase 2″* of construction on the Henry Angus building

– Why is Phase 2 important? Because (or so I understand) the “accreditors”**  will not “accredit” our school (Sauder ONLY) if we do not get another upgrade/fix up HA

– There will be a vote on whether or not Sauder students fund the project with our student fees (additional $500 per year, subject to inflation. Voting on March 11-12)

– A similar ordeal happened in 2007

[for a more detailed explanation click here]

*Phase 2: renovate upper floors of the old Henry Angus, at the “Town Hall” meeting today Dean Dan also mentioned something about the building being “seismically unstable” (think earthquakes).  Additionally I remember hearing something about tearing down the tower and building a new one? (Where all the offices are)  But not too much word about that…

**accreditation: I’m told if your school is not accredited, your diploma is worth nothing.

My initial thought: What? Something this important is riding on infrastructure?

That doesn’t sound right.  Which is why everything is quite foggy and confusing.

However to make it clear, there are different accreditations we can receive.  The ones I know of that we hold are AACSB and EQUIS.  It is unclear however which is the one that is being challenged and either I missed it (I only caught the end) or it wasn’t addressed at Town Hall.

The alternative to paying:
Well, Dean Dan says there isn’t much of a choice.  Er no “pot of gold at the end of the rainbow” as he puts it.  A dis/non accredited school isn’t worth much.  Students are going to have to pay some way.  Hey, maybe they’ll cut that class you love/hate.  Maybe they’ll return those awesome mics we got in the new class rooms that have the mesmerizing glowing red button.

What exactly happened at Town Hall:
I was only there to catch some of the Q&A but there was a lot of information being thrown around so I’ll just keeping my eyes open for the Ubyssey or Cavalier or something.

My conclusion:
These meeting things with the free lunch are really good! (The food or the meeting? BOTH!)  On the referendum, I still need more information and less persuasion on both sides.

Some articles you may find more concretely helpful than this blog:

The “official website”:
Finally found it.

You know what?  Actually maybe this accreditation thing isn’t as huge of a concern as I thought.  It’s not mentioned on the website at all…

Oh boy.

This is bad. I don’t know how to deal with this. The finals. They’re EVERYWHERE.

I’ve never needed to do this before… but I think I’m left with no choice.   I have to make a studying schedule.


Math- focus on Ch 5 and 11; review all.
Econ- read the last chapter, Ch 1-3
Japn- Ch 13


Math final.Econ- Ch 4-5
Japn- Ch 14
OB – catch up on reading…


Econ- Ch 6-8
Japn- Ch 15
OB- Ch 1-2
Phil- Utilitarianism


Econ- Ch 9-11
Japn- Ch 16
Phil- Kant


Econ- Ch 10-13, review all.


Econ final.
Japn- Ch 17
OB- 4-6


Japn- Ch 18
OB- Ch 7-8
Phil- Non relative virtue ethics


Japn- review all.
OB – Ch 9
Phil- Cultural Relativism


Japanese final.
OB- 10-12
Phil- abortion


OB- 13-14, review all.
Phil- animal rights


OB final.
Phil- all the rest.


Philosophy final.


Why I never made schedules before: 1. didn’t really need it, 2. lazy, 3. it’s too overwhelming to look at.

I hope I will survive this.

[on a side note] Any K-pop fans here? I hear Minho of SHINee (along with other Korean celebs) has been around campus this weekend filming for a special on the Olympics.  Fan cams are already on Youtube if you’re interested.  I don’t know if they’re still going to be around though but I hear there are many screaming fans around.

The team thing.

Yesterday was the long anticipated (but not in the “I can’t wait, it’s going to be so fun” kind of way) presentation day of my first big project.  The Electronic Arts case study for organizational behavior (aka COMM292).

At the beginning of the course, the professor puts everyone in the class into teams.  Teams were created based on these personality analysis surveys we did.

I was really excited to find out if good teams can actually be made this way.

My conclusion: well I loved my group but I still can’t tell if it is related to how the prof put it together.

Do you remember how group projects felt in highschool?  (Yes I realize I compare everything to high school a lot.)

1. Most people want every project to be a group project.
2. You must choose your own groups.
3. You must choose your friends.
3b. You must choose the smart kids who will get you the highest marks.

Of course, you don’t always get your way.  It wasn’t so bad when teachers picked your teams because you see these same people all the time and at least sort of know them.

This was different.  I didn’t even know everyone’s names at the start.  Even then, this was honestly one of the coolest project experiences.  Oh I feel like a nerd for saying that.  I didn’t notice much during the whole thing but once it ended, it felt so cool to know total strangers can work together and make something in a short time.

Random fact about me #4: I am a pretty distant person.  Which explains my huge awe of the whole interacting with people thing.

On Sunday, I hung out with a friend from SFU and we were talking about how at the rate we’re going, in four years we will be just as lost with even less of a purpose because by then we won’t even have school to focus on.

I still don’t know what I want to do, and even if it is based on a single experience,  I’m glad I found something that I would like from my future.  I want to work with people.  Ok, so most jobs require working with people anyway, but hey, a step forward is a step forward.

Right direction or not, at least I’m moving?


Before the days of university I have never heard anyone use the word “keener.”  Now it’s everywhere.  It had to come from somewhere though right?  So someone’s high school must have used “keener.”

Were you a “keener” user?

How I dream for the day when someone calls me a keener and seriously means it.  At this rate it is a lost hope, as are my grades.

Okay I really shouldn’t be saying that.  Yesterday when I was hanging out with a smart friend of mine I realized, the mindset of especially smart people are very different, maybe it is why they are so smart.  She got a midterm back  and it was the first time she had ever done so bad.  Some of you may be thinking “pft probably over exaggerating one of those ‘Asian fails’ again.  Those over achievers =(” but no, it was a genuine way below fail, fail.

And she told me, whilst half speaking to herself: “OK I’LL STUDY AND ON THE FINAL I WILL KNOW EVERY SINGLE QUESTION!!”


To me anyway.  I’m sure she meant it in 100% of the meaning of “every.” When I fail or do bad I just honestly tell myself “I’ll work hard and seriously work to the best of my abilities for the next one” but I have never gone for the “I will know it all” mentality.

I really found it amazing how she seriously meant she would aim for it all.  Could this be a defining factor from the normal and the brilliant?


I did more exploring yesterday too.

The subbasement of Korener.  What a death trap.

It’s all quiet, you’re lucky if you see a few lively souls around.  You’re walking down the wide middle aisle but your wet sneakers are squeaking across the linoleum tiles so you decide to turn into a smaller carpeted lane.


You don’t really know where you’re heading as every path seems to start looking the same.  You start walking faster hoping to find a way out.  CREAK. What was that? You turn around hoping to find that someone stepped on one of those metal things that enter into the shelves.  No one.  You face forward again and you suddenly realize the shelves are moving on their own.

You panic, you duck between nearest shelves.


Ok this one was way too narrow to fit completely inside.  So you go for the historic Vietnam section. You lean against the the old books trying to catch your heart beat.  Suddenly you realize the walls are closing in on you.  You’re in the midway point between the two ends of the shelf.  You waste 4 seconds trying to decide which side you run towards.  You try to yell out and even though the library is so quiet the layers of shelves block out the sound.

But you’re a keener and you escaped.

Those shelves really scare me though.  I have a hard time walking between them slowly and calmly.

Reading has never been so hard.

The following red box contains a single sentence.


Okay not exactly.  There were 3 more lines on the previous page.

High school did not warn me about this.

Isn’t there some sort of grammar rule against sentences this long?

[low quality cell phone picture of JOHN LOCKE The Second Treatise of Government p 491 for Philosophy 102]

Opinions on Philosophy.

(Ooo… what a paradox! To me, philosophy is just one big opinion anyway.  Please don’t take offence to that, I may just be uninformed.)

Anyway, I got distracted with a thought while writing my philosophy paper:

For my paper I have to argue for an idea, object myself, and build my case again.  The problem is, deep down in my heart I believe in idea “A” but as I start writing the objection the counter idea seems to become so true that I can’t argue against it.

At this point, the professor says to change it so that you agree with the counter and use your initial arguement as the objection.

Even then, it’s hard on the soul to argue for something you don’t want to believe.

So, do you believe in the power of believing? That as long as you do, it can still be true?

A Walt Disney world like that seems too good to be true to me.

The power of believing would be useful to get through these dark midterm days though.

After my “emo” night after the econ midterm I realized: believe in yourself.  When it comes down to the moment when you sit down for your exam, you just have to believe you can do it, there is no alternative.

Good luck everyone, and happy thanksgiving!

My First University Midterm.

Math. 1 hour. 4 questions. 40 marks. Each question had sub questions.

Here is what I learned/relearned/confirmed about the test taking process.

1. Skip the questions you don’t know. (In my case the first 2 pages.)

2. Breathe.

3. If there is a question you cannot finish all the way, mark it on the side so you remember to come back to it.

4. Remember to go back to it.

5. If you really don’t know, make educated guesses. (Unless it’s those multiple choice tests where they take off marks for getting it wrong and nothing when you don’t answer)

6. In the case of math, if you do all the work and you get an answer, but you know the answer is impossible/wrong, and you are almost out of time: use whatever answer that seems to be possible/right (ie. from plugging into calculator)

7. (#6 is something I learned in highschool. Comes from the idea that doing the work right gets you marks and getting the right answer gives you a mark. However, it may not be the case anymore. I’m not sure.)

8. Water = good. It helps your brain work better.

9. Too much water = bad. Don’t want to have to go for a bathrooom break…

10. Breathe, stay calm. Even when it is over and you are thinking “FML.”

[side note] I do not guarentee that these “tips” work. I am not liable for any mistakes you may make. The truth is that even I don’t follow my own ideas all the time. Espicially #10. If you saw me on the #43 today going home, then you understand.

This always cracks me up:
