post #000: Challenges are not meant to be feared, but our greatest challenges are our fears.

[As an unofficial start to this blog, I thought it would be nice to share the post I wrote for the Blog Squad application.  The topic was: What you think your biggest challenge will be in your first year]

I will first tell you my fears:

  • not getting the STT I want (but that is over now)
  • standing in a crowded bus for an hour every morning (that many people in such a small space freaks me out)
  • flunking out
  • making new friends (or enemies)
  • first impressions

Overall, I’m not afraid of the schooling in university itself but rather the fact that as a first year student, it’s a new start all over again. By the end of high school, I finally found my place and felt truly comfortable. It’s time to build that up again. With the building comes my greatest challenge: not losing things from the past.

I think my greatest challenge will be to stay close with the ones I won’t see everyday anymore. When circumstances (like school) don’t bring us closer, will we still stay close? I hardly have any contact with the good friends from elementary school that didn’t end up going to the same high school as me. Will university be the same? I sure hope not.

As I’m typing this I feel like I should pledge to myself not to let that happen. Sadly, deep down I know that though I feel this way right now, when September rolls around it’s hard to say if I will feel the same. The little world I’ve been living in, that even now feels big, is expanding once again… please don’t burst on me!