Blogging and my wellbeing.

19 years young, seriously nearing 20 and going through that entering-adulthood-soon-who-the-hell-am-I stage and slowly exiting teen angst stage.  Perhaps I am just an emotional person and will never really leave the teen angst stage.

I started blogging since grade 7.  It was just a place for my thoughts that I wanted to share with someone and a place to practice HTML and photoshop.  As the years went by, I would post less and less in general and more and more only about my problems and other negative things of life. Occasionally there would be happy or random posts, especially happy things that I was hoping I wouldn’t forget with age.  But for the most part, when I was joyful, I was too busy to post and when I was sad I needed something to keep myself busy.  Although blogging proved to be a great vent, I really wish I had posted more happy things.

This winter break, I had a rough time with some stuff.  As a part of growing up, I learned things about myself that I really wish I had learned earlier and actively tried to change.  I learned about the things that make me a jerk and an idiot.  And I hated it.

It was New Years so I started looking at my 2010 posts (on my personal blog) and I came across a post where I posted about things that I loved about that day.  They were all simple things like singing along to songs with my friends in the car to a random hello text message from a friend.  These tiny little things from this long gone day made me so appreciative of life.  It cheered me up so much I couldn’t believe why I didn’t do it more often.

It made me think of Lillienne’s Things I Love Thursdays

It’s so simple.  It’s just the little things in life.  But it all makes such a big deal.

And then there is the joy of reading about other people’s joys… that’s a whole other deal.

Being happy is really easy sometimes isn’t it?  (Easy to say when you’re not down yet)  It probably is easy even when I am down, it’s just hard to realize.

Maybe I should start keeping track of daily joys somehow.

It’s the little things.  Do you agree?  (Or if you’re a fan of Catch Me If You Can too: Do you concur?)