Clubs Days- what did you join?

September 27th, 2010 § 5 comments § permalink

ŒI must confess, I was like a little kid with the amount of excitement I had for Clubs Days. I’m a commuter student, okay, and I felt like joining a club would be that one first step to take to really finding my place in uni. Goodness knows UBC pimps out the “Get Involved!!!!!!!!!!!!111111” slogan a lot, and Clubs Days seems like the kickoff event to that (at least, like I said, to a commuter student. No perks of being in close vicinity to fellow students for me, and no, the bus is not the best place for seeing the good in people, much less socializing- more on this at a later post).

Of course, me being me, I already did a bit of research and had a preeettyyy good idea of which clubs I wanted to join. Once in the SUB though, it became difficult to not just jump at the opportunity to join every club that interested me. They are not kidding when they say UBC has a great variety of clubs- there were clubs that catered to my sci-fi self, my performing self, my I-want-to-try-and-be-fit self, my raraFOREIGNAFFAIRS self, and many more. ‘Twas amazing.

Below is a list of nine clubs/societies/opportunities that caught my eye. A couple I’ve joined, some I’m going to join next year, others I’m still trying to decide if I should go to the first meeting. They all have great things to offer, though, and they really stood out to me, thus my listing them with loving detail.

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Song of the moment:

September 14th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

And the question is, “Is to have had and lost / Better than not having at all?”

I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to discover the song and realize how brilliant it is. It’s a great, great collaboration, first of all- one that restores my faith in good music and the fact that two such different musicians can work well together. I also appreciate a good rap, and Jay-Z delivered; his part might actually be my favourite in the song, haha. I can’t get over the actual music, too. The hip-hop vibe of the beginning and the gradual transition back to the music that makes Coldplay, well, Coldplay. I keep saying it, but I must say it again: brilliant.

Officially a university student.

September 14th, 2010 § 2 comments § permalink

Current Music: This is the part where I confess I listen to Korean pop music, and am listening to 너라고 (It’s You) by Super Junior.

It’s the beginning of our second week here in UBC and here I am, finally managing to squeeze in a blog post. Between working and getting to and fro classes and the horror that was my Math APLIA assignment for Econ 101, life has been busy. I’m already lacking some sleep and plan to take a good long nap at home before university work starts to attack full-force.

First week has been a long week full of excitement and surprises and general newness, and I’ve already learned a lot. I’m sure there’s a whole lot more of these lessons to come, but I’d like to share with you all the few things that have really stuck to mind.

7 Things I’ve Learned During My First Week in UBC
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