
January 25th, 2011 § 4 comments § permalink

I’m a weird one, but for me, piano music and such types of instrumental music is the best music to study to (that and Les Misérables for History, but that’s another story). So from now on, I’ll only be sharing such type of music in this blog. Just click on the “study music” tag for the rest of ’em.

This piece will sound familiar to anyone who’s watched the French film Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain or just Amélie. This is from the film’s soundtrack, which was composed by the amazing, amazing Yann Tiersen. He’s coming to town in March, and I BOUGHT TICKETS TO SEE HIM, and I’m really, REALLY EXCITED. While the rest of the city is spazzing about Katy Perry, I’m spazzing about him.

Before you think I’m a nutso, click play and you’ll see why I have done such spazzing. He is terrific, seriously. ♥

Why I’m attending the Arts Career Expo.

January 20th, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink

I don’t know about you guys, but when I was little, I went through “phases” of career aspirations; one year I wanted to be this, then this, then do this again. It all depended on my current obsession e.g. astronomy, theatre, etc. (all of which I’m still obsessed with, ha).

See below:

Really little-first grade: Pediatrician (insert tumblr lolface here)
Second grade-third grade: Astronaut
Fourth grade: Archaeologist
Fifth-sixth grade: Editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine
Seventh-eighth grade: Broadway performer
Ninth grade: Editor-in-chief of a nerdy magazine
Tenth grade: Radiologist (see lolface above), then website designer, then diplomat (a very fun year- I won a website design contest in SFU, and attended my first MUN)
Eleventh-twelfth grade: Foreign Services Officer

So I start as a First Year here in UBC, with aspirations of being a hotshot diplomat, with Europe being my geographic specialty.

While being determined and having a clear goal in mind is a good thing, being in a place like UBC makes it essential to keep one’s mind open. There are so many choices of things to do, and now I find myself like a little kid again. I am second-guessing my ambitious plan of a double PoliSci + IR major (well, there’s only self-esteem issues associated with that, but that’s for another entry). I find myself interested in fields such as the Science Studies Minor and European Studies. And most importantly, the idea of law school is slowly but surely becoming a goal in my mind instead of a mere possibility.

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341-99: Commuter Series / Part I: Pet Peeves

January 17th, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink

Dear Commuters,

Commuting is no fun. That’s a fact. I believe that a huge part of this is that commuting is one of those times that people are at their worst- we’re cranky or groggy, we’re just plain tired, and we don’t want to be late. Think of this, though- what if you think of the fact that commuting=public transportation? Public, meaning that being amongst people is inevitable! The least we can do is be considerate, and look out for each other. We’ll be commuting with each other for what, 4-5 more years (and in my case, 7.5)?

In lieu of all this, here’s a list of absolute DON’TS when you’re on the bus or Skytrain or waiting in line. Keep these in mind and I’ll love you forevah~!

  • DON’T stay by the doors when there’s space to stand in at the back. MOVEMOVEMOVEEEE This especially applies to the 99, the Skytrain from 4-7pm, and other such buses that are jampacked (e.g. 321 in Surrey). You’ll feel nicer, since there won’t be some random oxymoron of a person telling you to move back with a sweet voice and a deadly look on her face at the same time.
  • » Read the rest of this entry «

Being an adult.

January 3rd, 2011 § 4 comments § permalink

The responsibilities of being a new student these past few months has been increased by the fact that I turned 18, got a job, and well, am considered an adult by my parents. While I’m a commuter and still get to enjoy the joy of homemade food, I still found myself having to adjust to all the responsibility.

It felt weird, it still does- instead of having my mom make my dentist appointments for me and my dad always driving me to the bank, it’s up to me to get all that kind of thing handled. I had to learn my dentist’s work hours, make the trek to the Village to deposit money and even made my own tax-free savings account. All by myself. It feels rather nice, though now with the dawn of a new semester coming upon me, I have a brand new daunting-as-always list of “adult tasks” I have to accomplish- paying tuition fees and selling my textbooks and letting my boss know my new work hours. Adult tasks=managing my own money, most of the time. I’m still trying to get the hang of it, but I think I’m slowly but surely getting there.

Besides these adult tasks are still the typical student tasks, the biggest one being cleaning up for Term 2. » Read the rest of this entry «

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