In which inspiration kicks in.

August 26th, 2010 § 8 comments § permalink

Current Music: Queen – Don’t Stop Me Now (fitting stuff)

I must admit, I intended my first post to be a whole list of how I’ve been preparing myself for attending UBC and university life in general. As you can see, though, I decided against it in the last few hours.

It’s just that I’ve realized that no matter how much I try- no matter how many to-do lists I write and routes I map and browsing trips I make for netbooks and bags, I’ll never really be prepared. At least not completely. This is a whole new chapter in my life, in any person’s life. It will be full of scary, and mainly unknown, things that will only make itself known to us once we get going. It will strike at us unexpectedly and throw us off guard, and rattle us a little out of our comfortable shells of security and familiarity.

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