Study music: paper-writing edition.

October 23rd, 2011 § 2 comments § permalink

My background music, when I write a paper, can vary. Mainly depending on the course itself, or on which part of the writing process I’m in (either the AHHHHH-I-don’t-know-how-to-start, I’m-just-writing-whatever-at-this-point, BAM-I-AM-SO-OWNING-THIS, or I-AM-DOOMED-I’VE-ONLY-WRITTEN-500-WORDS-AND-IT’S-DUE-TOMORROW phase).

Here’s the music that’ll be on my playlist as my paper-writing season commences:

Is there anything more epic than starting that POLI 220 10-page essay with Hans Zimmer in the background? I don’t think so.

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3 things and a mash-up.

September 29th, 2011 § 3 comments § permalink

The past week has led me to learning the following lessons:

1. Don’t leave your co-op application to the last minute. I know it’s a hard decision to make, but lean towards one side in the summer and JUST START on the application. The info session will provide the almost the same things as a simple 15-minute browse through the website, unless you want to hear from a couple of people who have done/are still doing co-op terms. The info session would be more useful for international students, I think- they provide important details for you guys.

BUT! Besides frantically rushing my boyfriend to edit my cover letter like a mad man and running around campus to print everything out, I managed to hand in my application 2 hours before the deadline! Fingers crossed that I get a call back!

2. Schmooze and mingle with men who have acted as advisors/interacted with Pierre Trudeau in any way, shape, or form. I know this video has been spammed 10000x and a half (how could it not be, amazing!cochair-of-mine!AJ made it), but let me point 0.18 seconds into the video:

That round-faced rambling girl talking about meeting the French Consul-General? That’s me. And on the same night, I got advice from Jeremy Kinsman, who has worked with Trudeau. This all happened when I attended IRSA’s Diplomacy 101 event last year. And just two days ago, I attended it again. Once again, there was a speaker who was once a special advisor to Trudeau, and he was a delightful speaker.

How easy it is to tell who my favourite Prime Minister is…

3. SIGN UP FOR POLEDANCING 101 WITH NO REGRETS. Yay, AMS Minischool! Someone join me? :D

And before I sign off- study music!

A combo of two favourite songs of mine!

My, who is this?

June 21st, 2011 § 2 comments § permalink

Honestly, the most legitimate reason I can come up with as to why I haven’t been blogging is that, so far, my summer has been dull (compared to, you know, Miriam’s and Rabi’s and Lillienne’s :P). That doesn’t mean I don’t have things to say, though (and gifs to post) so expect more Jennine!posts in the next while.

In the meantime, have some music. The most recent Pride and Prejudice film is one of my absolute guilty pleasures, and it has an exquisite soundtrack. This piece is great for those early mornings, or just for new beginnings.

Calming study music.

April 22nd, 2011 § 5 comments § permalink

Though I’m not gonna lie, listening to this song for the first time made me weep like a baby. ;____;

Good luck for those like me going through the last stretch of exams! WE CAN DO THIS. \O/

Cheer up everyone, and listen to this song.

February 27th, 2011 § 2 comments § permalink

While Yiruma’s works span a great range of emotions, his happier pieces are the ones I immediately resort to when I’m in need of more positivity in my life.

In this latter half of midterm season/beginning of term paper season, I highly recommend listening to the album this song’s from, First Love. It’s good background music for studying, or taking a break from your work. :)

– Jennine

P.S. I’m SO excited for Yann Tiersen on Friday (anyone coming?)!


January 25th, 2011 § 4 comments § permalink

I’m a weird one, but for me, piano music and such types of instrumental music is the best music to study to (that and Les Misérables for History, but that’s another story). So from now on, I’ll only be sharing such type of music in this blog. Just click on the “study music” tag for the rest of ’em.

This piece will sound familiar to anyone who’s watched the French film Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain or just Amélie. This is from the film’s soundtrack, which was composed by the amazing, amazing Yann Tiersen. He’s coming to town in March, and I BOUGHT TICKETS TO SEE HIM, and I’m really, REALLY EXCITED. While the rest of the city is spazzing about Katy Perry, I’m spazzing about him.

Before you think I’m a nutso, click play and you’ll see why I have done such spazzing. He is terrific, seriously. ♥

Music, and other things.

December 6th, 2010 § 1 comment § permalink

(She is fabulous, and I love her. You should love her, too. :))

This is preposterous. For the past week, yours truly has managed to go into random bouts of sleep on her commute to school. Usually, this never happens- I’m way too paranoid that I’ll wake up and find myself in the middle of nowhere. Alas, it seems like my sleeping cycle is finally catching up with me.

This post does not contain any of the content I said I’ll be updating with. Instead, this post is for: UBC: A Constant Learning Process aka new things I keep finding out as a uni student (the unofficial first installment: here).

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Song of the moment:

October 16th, 2010 § 1 comment § permalink

A Rainy Day In Vancouver, composed by Dirk Reichardt.

And this is why I’m one of the few who loves the constant rain in this place.

Song of the moment:

September 14th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

And the question is, “Is to have had and lost / Better than not having at all?”

I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to discover the song and realize how brilliant it is. It’s a great, great collaboration, first of all- one that restores my faith in good music and the fact that two such different musicians can work well together. I also appreciate a good rap, and Jay-Z delivered; his part might actually be my favourite in the song, haha. I can’t get over the actual music, too. The hip-hop vibe of the beginning and the gradual transition back to the music that makes Coldplay, well, Coldplay. I keep saying it, but I must say it again: brilliant.

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