So much to do, only one of me, and too long a commute (aka my attempts to be Super Girl)

October 30th, 2010 § 3 comments § permalink

(Super Girl, as in this Super Junior-M song, possibly)

Cough. Anyway.

Current Music: “Pills” by The Perishers. Beautiful, heartbreaking song.

My automatic response in job interviews (and let me assure you that I’ve had my fair share just this past summer), upon that dreaded question of “What is your weakness?” is always this: I take on too much work. Constantly I’ve had to just sit back and realize what my top priorities are, and drop and keep things from there. My planner is my constant companion, where events and due dates and most importantly, weekend to-do lists are jotted down. The past few weeks, my to-do lists have grown quite a bit.

It’s safe to say that yeah, I’ve piled a lot on my plate for the year, and I feel that once again I’m arriving at the stage where I have to realize what my values are. It’s one of the important things I learned during CLASS- really know the things you value, and make them the base for everything you do- how you spend your weekends to which clubs to join.

However, knowing this, I still have questions:
1) Values-wise, what if I’m not really sure? And, well, the key thing is to try out what works for me? I know that I want to play a key role in one of the charitable clubs/organizations in campus, but I still don’t have a clear idea of the cause I really, really want to work for. I haven’t found that certain passion yet. Right now, I’m a member of the Dollar Project, which doesn’t aim for one specific cause- just for heightened “individual social responsibility”. I love it right now, but I still feel like there’s something missing.

2) How exactly does the “get involved” mantra work if you’re a commuter student? I love being involved, but I’m striving to fit in studying time whenever I can, and it’s difficult when I barely have time to eat dinner and go to sleep on time once I’m home. People recommend reading on the bus/Skytrain, but my body doesn’t like that and instead makes my head go dizzy if I dare read on the 99.

(And you know, I believe this is quite the issue with commuter students. They just want to go home, and so involvement is not really much of an option. This makes me very, very sad, but I digress for now)

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In which inspiration kicks in.

August 26th, 2010 § 8 comments § permalink

Current Music: Queen – Don’t Stop Me Now (fitting stuff)

I must admit, I intended my first post to be a whole list of how I’ve been preparing myself for attending UBC and university life in general. As you can see, though, I decided against it in the last few hours.

It’s just that I’ve realized that no matter how much I try- no matter how many to-do lists I write and routes I map and browsing trips I make for netbooks and bags, I’ll never really be prepared. At least not completely. This is a whole new chapter in my life, in any person’s life. It will be full of scary, and mainly unknown, things that will only make itself known to us once we get going. It will strike at us unexpectedly and throw us off guard, and rattle us a little out of our comfortable shells of security and familiarity.

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