Peru Election 2006

The archived version

Archive for the ‘About Us’ Category

Hugo Passarello Luna

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<a href=" “>Hugo Passarello Luna is a research assistant and a recent graduate of the University of British Columbia. He was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and studied Film Production and International Relations at UBC. Before going to UBC he studied the International Baccalaureate at the United World College Lester B. Person College of the Pacific. He has worked with Academy Award winner John Zaritsky in his documentary College Days, College Nights and as a research assistant for several professors (in politics and anthropology). For the past year he worked at the international student department of UBC coordinating and developing programs for international students. He is interested in fiction and documentary filmmaking as it juxtaposes the art and the academic.

Written by fabiola

May 8th, 2006 at 7:32 am

Posted in About Us

About Jorge Bazo

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Nacido en Lima, Perú, Jorge Bazo Escudero es Bachiller egresado de la Universidad de Lima de la facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación, especializándose en el área de Medios Audiovisuales (Cine, Television y Radio). Su pasión por musica alternativa y la cultura underground lo condujo a escribir en revistas como Phantom y Fanzines como Perú Rock; además de ser baterista de la banda Punk-Rock “Sin Kura” en los ochentas. Fue asistente de post-producción del documental “El Grito Subterráneo” dirigido por el realizador nacional Julio Montero (1988) que reseña el origen del movimiento “subterráneo” de Lima, influenciado por el Punk-Rock y como manifestación en contra del flagelo terrorista de aquel entonces. Ha desarrollado labor docente en el Instituto de Comunicación y Diseño Toulouse-Lautrec, formando profesionales en comunicación audiovisual. Su constante afan por empaparse de nuevas tecnologías lo llevó a la Red Cientifica Peruana, propulsora de la Internet en el Perú, como Analista de Contenidos para websites, Portales y Radio por Internet. Actualmente se desempeña como Coordinador de Producción del programa Cinescape, elaborando informes especiales sobre el sétimo arte.

Written by Max

September 16th, 2005 at 12:18 pm

Posted in About Us

About Maxwell A. Cameron

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Maxwell A. Cameron teaches in the Department of Political Science at the University of British Columbia. His research on Peru dates to the 1980s when he wrote his doctoral dissertation (University of California, Berkeley, 1989). The dissertation was published as Democracy and Authoritarianism in Peru (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1994). He co-edited The Peruvian Labyrinth (University Park, Pennsylvania: The Penn State University Press, 1997) with Phil Mauceri. Cameron has also written about NAFTA and the international campaign to ban landmines. More recently he co-authored “Democracy Without Parties? Political Parties and Regime Change in Fujimori’s Peru,” Latin American Politics and Society (Vol. 45, no. 3, 2003, with Steve Levitsky), and his essay “Endogenous Regime Breakdown: The Vladivideo and the Fall of Peru’s Fujimori” recently appeared in a volume edited by Julio Carrion, entitled The Fujimori Legacy (University Park, Pennsylvania: The Penn State University Press, 2006). In the fall of 2005, Cameron was the Canadian Bicentennial Professor at the Yale Center for International and Area Studies at Yale University. He will spend January-May in Peru studying the general election as it unfolds. Cameron has recently begun to blog for The Guardian at Comment is free…

Written by Max

June 15th, 2005 at 8:46 pm

Posted in About Us

About Fabiola Bazo

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Fabiola Bazo is a research consultant based in Vancouver, British Columbia. Educated in economics at the Catholic University in Lima, Peru, and political science and public policy at Carleton University in Ottawa, she specializes in public policy and gender issues in Latin America. Bazo worked with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation during the hostage crisis in 1997, and was consulted by the Department of Foreign Affairs in Canada during the elections and their aftermath in Peru in 2000. She was Advisor in the Women’s Committee in the Peruvian Congress in 1996 and has worked with international non-govermental organizations in Canada and the United States. In the fall of 2005, Bazo will be a Research Affiliate at the Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies at the Yale Center for International and Area Studies and will spend January-April 2006 in Peru analyzing and reporting on the general election.

Written by fabiola

June 15th, 2005 at 8:42 pm

Posted in About Us

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