
Submitted for the Geist Erasure contest 2013.


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Photo credits:

by Punk-a-Chatte



The air mills are closed and breaking


Rob’s wet cough


His body’s not ready



it’s killing him



before the’ll grant relief



It took a long time before we asked



We waited till we got used to sleeping




Not that everybody just waits








it’s quiet



people are just tired and quiet



And you get your air or a bloo



Or you go and sit there with hundreds of others


daring to get yours


there’s lots now that’ve gone


in Side


they got mad


they rioted


And here it’s like that too


you can feel it in the air


that something could go off


any minute


Sometimes you just see it in the eyes


The shop round the corner’s got nothing in it but a couple of empty jars in the window


Mary went there with me and wrote her name out to say people don’t help


Some do


They sent us boxes and bags of air


Thousands of barrels


That was three months ago


in February


and most who met the ship had nothing but holey lungs


Though others said the money would have been better spent sending us in side


Some got together to support the fight



I don’t much care


to tell truth


I just want it to end


Today it was black





The in came out



their inmen – they’ve got it


These ones were from Blackburn


they had one out on the ground


right near the ‘Change


Who will rise up for me? Who will stand up for air in?


There was still air to the old man


I nodded goodbye and made my way to see my aunt


You know


she doesn’t have much left


just her able






I think maybe her son


gone up to Kersal Moor


And he’d brought back her able




All delicate and resting there


in a pint jar full



Excerpt from Exhibit 37 ranch

 ages 91-93 of nopolis

shed by Pedlar P 213.

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