Principal supervisor – Doctoral students:
- Laura Lee, PhD candidate in Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program. Liu Scholar – Liu Institute for Global Issues. Topic: Youth Sexual Health in Settings of Chronic Crisis. The case of youth-headed households in Kenya´s Rift Vallery Province.
- Haouri Wu, PhD candidate in Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program. Topic: Memory Oriented Post Disaster Rural Reconstruction in Sichuan, China
- Ricardo Chaparro-Pacheco, PhD student in Social Work. Liu Scholar – Liu Institute for Global Issues. Topic: Confessional Narratives by former Paramilitary members in Colombia
- Julie Okot Bitek, PhD student in Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program. Liu Scholar – Liu Institute for Global Issues. Co-supervisor: Erin Baines. Topic: Identity and Belonging through Storytelling
Committee member – Doctoral students:
- Lara Rosenoff, PhD candidate in Anthropology. Topic: Intergenerational Knowledge Exchange and Social Repair after Two Decades of War in Northern Uganda.
- Beth Stewart, PhD candidate in Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice. Topic: The Social Integration of Children Born of War: The Case of Northern Uganda
- Kate Murray, PhD candidate in Social Work. Topic: Activist Practices of Knowing.
- Katherine Fobear, PhD candidate in Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice. Exploring Memories of Place, Identity, and Belonging through the Oral Histories and Memory Works of Sexual and Gender Minority Refugees Living in Metro Vancouver
- Cavlan Erengezgin, PhD candidate in Geography. Topic: Decolonizing feminisms in Turkey: Kurdish and Turkish women’s politics of nation, violence and freedom
- Autumn Knowlton, PhD candidate in Educational Studies. Topic: Remembering towards the future: How memories of armed conflict inform political possibilities for Q’eqchi’ Mayas in Izabal, Guatemala.
- Tamara Miskovic. PhD student in Social Work. Topic: Evacuation of unaccompanied children from Children’s Home in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1990s war. Ethical decision making for protection of children in emergences.
- Jan Boesten, PhD program in Political Science. Topic: Between Democratic Security and Legality: Constituent, judicial and state power in Colombia
- Omer Aijazi. PhD student in Educational Studies. Topic: Social Repair and Disaster Recovery.
- Carmen Miranda-Barrios. PhD candidate in Hispanic Studies. Topic: Sonidos y Memoria: La radio como espacio de representación sonora de la diáspora exiliada latinoamericana (Sounds and Memory: Radio as space of sound representation among the Latin American exiled diaspora).
Principal Supervisor – Master in Social Work (MSW) Program:
- Shalom Wiebbe. MSW candidate. Thesis: Colombian Refugees’ Stories of Settlement in Canada
Co-Supervisor Interdisciplinary Studies:
- Stephen Stewart, M.A candidate. Co-supervisor: Juanita Sundberg