Monthly Archives: March 2010

Pro-Choice or Pro-Life?

Can’t I be both? Let me begin by saying that I used to be an active pro-choice believer. Yes, I used to be. A woman’s body is a woman’s body, and no one should be able to deny her the … Continue reading

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Representation. re-pre-sen-ta-tion. rep-res-ent-at-ion. r-E-p-r-e-S-e-n-t-a-T-i-on?

How to say it? How to shape it? How to make it work?

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Tic Tac Tax

It’s that time of the year again. Except that doesn’t mean anything to me. Taxes? Yes, we do pay taxes in Guatemala… I guess. The thing is, I’ve never filled out a tax form, and I’m not even talking about … Continue reading

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Once upon a time the AMS…

…voted to eliminate the International Student Representative seat. Actually, it was today. After about an hour of debate the AMS Council decided that having a non-voting international student representative is not the way that they want to engage with international … Continue reading

Posted in AMS, Faculty, International | 4 Comments

International Students, UNITE!

And here we go again… I can’t believe the AMS has another motion to eliminate the International Student Seat. What is happening? I have already expressed how I feel about that – so here is a copy of the email … Continue reading

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What do you do when the AUS is spending $60,000 on elections?

You vote! Yes, elections for the undergraduate societies are coming up and yes, the AUS is spending $60,000 on them. Nomination forms are available online and at the AUS office. If you’re interested in joining the AUS and representing more … Continue reading

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