Author Archives: Valentina

About Valentina

I'm from a small and beautiful town next to a big and amazing lake in Guatemala.

What do you do when the AUS is spending $60,000 on elections?

You vote! Yes, elections for the undergraduate societies are coming up and yes, the AUS is spending $60,000 on them. Nomination forms are available online and at the AUS office. If you’re interested in joining the AUS and representing more … Continue reading

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It’s All About Communication

Isn’t that what people always say? But… What if there’s no known way of communication that actually works? I was recently asked to think of ways in which the University might “better communicate – and be in dialogue with – … Continue reading

Posted in Involvement / Leadership | 5 Comments

What’s Wrong With the Media – Protesting the 2010 Olympic Games

My grandma in Italy, my friends in Guatemala and my friend in the Philippines all tell me the same thing -> “Wow, those protests are so violent. Be careful!” Why is it that news of one violent protest of 400 … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Protesting the Olympic Games

Yesterday I was amongst the thousands of people that took the streets of Vancouver to protest the olympic games. I have to say that it was beautifully inspiring. Unlike this morning’s protest, yesterday’s was a peaceful demonstration, there was music, … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment

12 Reasons Why I Refuse to Be Part of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games

Highly controversial points to follow!! 1. They are being held on First Nation Lands while only representing a small minority. 2. They are appropriating Native art and culture to appear to the world as a perfectly multicultural community while there … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Finding new and creative ways to engage students

It feels like we have been bombarded with information these last few weeks as we deal with three issues that affect all students: housing, AMS elections and tuition increase. It is my first time experiencing this at UBC, so I’m … Continue reading

Posted in Academics, AMS, International, Residence Life | 3 Comments

Dear UBC,

Thank you for suddenly making everything look so nice. I especially appreciate the new lawn spaces, and also the new bus stops, classy. The new posters around campus really show what beautiful things are being done. From here. They make … Continue reading

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International Student Representative – An Interview

Brittany Perna? Our new International Student Rep? Who is she? I’ve seen Brittany three times this week; at the 2010/11 Tuition Increase Proposal, at yesterday’s AMS Council Meeting and today, when I had a chance to ask her some questions … Continue reading

Posted in AMS, International | Leave a comment

Letter to the International Student Association (ISA) -> because we need to talk more about international students’ issues!

Dear Blake McDermott, My name is Valentina Vargas and I am a first year international student at UBC. Unfortunately, I write to express my dissatisfaction about what I see as a grave problem with the relationship between the ISA and … Continue reading

Posted in International | 1 Comment

The Broken Bench

There’s a bench in Place Vanier Common’s Block. It’s broken. It’s been broken for a while. I once forgot and sat on it anyway. I felt very stupid. A few days ago I was studying in the bench next to … Continue reading

Posted in International | 3 Comments