New School Year!

A school year has begun and the classroom is all set! Teaching all grade 1s this year. New students, new adventures! I can’t wait to go on a journey of learning with my students this year!


Expanding Creativity

As part of English, I have noticed that some students have a difficult time making stories and expanding their creativity. I have started to incorporate Rory’s Story Cubes into my lessons in order to provide the students with a fun learning experience and opportunity to expand their thinking. The story cubes have been a fun and innovative way for the students to create complete stories with whatever they have rolled. I allow the students to start with three die to make a short story, then expanding their stories as they add more die to their rolls. They are then able to write down the stories that they create, and even tell stories to their classmates. The stories they produce orally or written could be produced as a game as well. The students have been very responsive to this way of creative thinking and writing, having fun along the way to expanding their minds to the various forms of learning.


Literacy Projects

My students researched on what they are literate in and produced a presentation through a media form. They did a public speaking presentation to the class on their project at the time of completion.

Dance Literacy

Golf Literacy

Hockey Literacy

Soccer Literacy

Babysitting Literacy

Cars Literacy:

League of Legends Literacy:

Super Smash Brothers Literacy:

Ancient China Research Projects

The students worked on a research topic that they signed up for. The students had a month to produce not only a poster presentation, but also an essay. The students were introduced to expository, persuasive, and descriptive essay writing before the start of the project. As an end to their unit, the students put their posters on display for an open house. All their work was amazing!

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Rainforest Project Plan
