Assignment 5 | Marissa Campbell

For this assignment I drew three different objects based on touch only, again with a blindfold during the drawing process, and finally with sight and the object in front of me. In all cases the series of drawings are distinctly different based on the information available and my attempt to convey it.

The seashell was the simplest of the 3 items drawn. The hollow cone shape fit perfectly over my thumb which helped me to imagine the relative scale of the form’s dimensions as I drew. In the final series, my sight helped me to capture more subtleties of the organic bumpy texture than what I could represent based on touch alone.
Object 2 was a mini cosmetics container. The smooth plastic was difficult to represent texturally. Instead I focused on the inside and outside aspects of this container, which holds a application brush that can’t be seen when the item is closed.
The third object was a hair clip with a spring. This was the most challenging due to the complexity of the form and the movement/sound of the spring. I caught myself trying to draw this from memory more than from touch. I would like to try this one again with more emphasis on the forces of the spring, which creates resistance when opened, and then snaps quickly closed. The accompanying sounds for each motion could also be integrated better to indicate that this is not a static object.

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