A5: Using our hands | Vicky Cen

In class exercise

Leather card holder


I drew three random items blind-folded. Then I annotated and analyzed them without blinds.

Blind-folded drawing

The cable has the bigger end (USB) and the smaller end (Lightning). I recognized the lightning port by touching which it is rounder and smoother than my other charging cables. I know it is in a loop but I don’t know how exactly the cable is curved.

This shows the feeling of thickness, softness and weight of the cable.

The second item is a lip balm. There is a rough part at the bottom designed to be easily rotated. Without looking at the drawing, I couldn’t know where I drew the lines. But I guess the lines communicate the rotating motion by accident. When I rotate it, it feels like I am pushing it out.

This is the balm or ointment surface.

The third item is a lock. The lock makes sounds even with little movements. When I was blind-folded, I was sensitive to sounds. Again, the “rotating passwords” part is drawn out of the place.

I couldn’t feel the difference between materials by touching, but I felt the different textures of the same material. Because I couldn’t see or feel the numbers, I couldn’t unlock it.

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