A6_Tactile Body Space_Bruce

Walking up the stairs of a lookout point unsighted guided by 9 Built Environment Navigation Tools

1) When unsighted it was at times difficult to identify the different wooden panel boards. 2) The lower smaller (right) railing was the railing I used to slide my hands and guide my body up the flight of stairs. I was unaware of the higher larger (left) railing while walking up the stairs. 3) When unsighted at times I could identify gaps in the panel boards by dragging my feet 4) Once up the stairs the difference in texture from gritty metal to smooth wood indicated I had reached the top. 5) The flat metal fence was a reminder that I had reached the edge of the platform. 6) The air from the vents grew louder as I approached the foot of the stairs. 7) The cylindrical posts guided me around the corners one after the other. 8) The gritty steps sent me the signal that I was still on the steps while the ‘clangy’ front facing board, after kicking it, guided me over each step. 9) The top face of the posts provided a spot to lean and rest while the outer round base guided me around corners.

In class exercise

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