A11_Seeing > Visual Thinking > Idea_Bruce

In Class Exercise: Comparing sound abrasiveness and effort level when opening different drawers in the house
The search for the most accessible bridge


  1. Only accessible to townhome residents, hostile no trespassing sign 🙁 (0.5/5)
  2. No railing, steep drop down to bridge, major slip & splash hazard : o (0.25/5)
  3. Another steep drop, however railing is low/ easy to reach if using wheelchair or if you’re a child (3/5)
  4. Yay! steps finally, however, no railing to go with them 🙁 at least there’s a railing on the bridge and that north arrow could provide auditory cues to detect wind… (3.5/5)
  5. Love the mat (dual purpose= weather protection/tactile indicator, step railing is a lil high (4/5)
  6. nice that it’s paved, won’t be too muddy but AGAIN no railing down : | The step railing is a great height though and feels sturdy + there are multiple railings at multiple heights! (4/5).

Proposed Design includes elements from :

  1. Nah
  2. No chance
  3. Bridge railing (accessible height)
  4. North arrow for auditory cue
  5. Mats on top of the wooden surface all the way from the path to the end of the bridge providing tactile cues
  6. Step Railing (nice height, feels sturdy, multiple railings)

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