A5: Using Our Hands | Christopher Reid


Blindfolded: perspective and ‘elevation’ drawings of a mystery object.
Blindfolded: ‘plan’ drawing done by tracing around object with free hand while mirroring movement and feel with pen hand. Scribbles at bottom are of irregularities inside the smooth, cupped inner side.
With blindfold off: mystery object was a shell, drawn above in perspective and elevation. Photos of shell below.

At home

Blindfolded: various drawings of a mystery object.
With blindfold off: mystery object was a small ‘aux’ audio cable. Drawings are meant to replicate drawings done while blindfolded for comparison.


Idea for a smartphone with a display that can be ‘seen’ by the visually-impaired. Instead of squares of light and colour, pixels are rounded ‘pins’ that move up and down, allowing for the texture of the screen to change and display topographic ‘images’–or text in braille–that could be felt by running one’s fingers across it. Maximally-spaced cameras on the back can capture and combine multiple images into a 3-dimensional image that can then be displayed on the topography of the screen. One could take a photo of a landscape, or receive a photo from a loved one, and ‘see’ it by feeling it on the display. Such a display could augment existing audio and voice commands to provide a more complete smartphone experience for those with visual impairments.
Inspiration: Pin art board shows the potential of a variable-texture touch-based display.


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