Assignment 11: Seeing-Visual Thinking-Idea | Diego Lozano



I’m an avid biker so for this last assignment I decided to look at bike racks. I’m sometimes endlessly frustrated by the poor design of bike racks so I documented a few examples around Vancouver and decided to look at the design and shape of the features as well as tried to design some new shapes that might be easier to use.

Assignment 5: Using Our Hand – Diego Lozano

In-Class Exercise:

At-Home Exercise:

This exercise for me proved to be very difficult. Most of the objects that were handed to me were objects I could instantly recognize but once I was handed an object I was unfamiliar with the challenge became even hard.

I find my blindfolded drawings more interesting than my visual ones but I had a really hard time drawing more of the two or three drawings. I would draw the sides of the object but once I was done I didn’t know what other way to draw it. I hope to be able to try this exercise again and really practice trying to draw this in different ways while blindfolded.

Blind Folded:

Visual Drawing:

Image Photos:

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