Location: Cannon Beach, Oregon
Emotions and/or memories: The smell of the beach reminds me of my childhood, it is instantly recognizable and takes me back in time.
Smell experience: In a technical sense the smell of seaweed and fish isn’t overly pleasant but the whole multi sensorial experience that elicits pleasant memories makes up for it
Colours, words and/or textures: Green/blue, wavy, salty, crisp, fishy
How do the scents make you interact with the space you are in: Depending on where I am on the beach I have the desire to linger or the desire to move on. Walking past people eating tacos and drinking hot chocolate on the beach fills the air with warm cozy feelings (making me want to linger), whereas the smell of piles of seaweed and slimy rocks make me want to move to somewhere else on the beach. The cold crisp salty air is pleasant but best enjoyed walking or it gets too chilly.
Duration and intensity: The smells are mostly intense and experienced the entire time on the beach