The first in class drawings were done based only on sound, without visual aid. I experimented with a circular timeline of shapes representing sounds within an enclosed car, than a more traditional linear timeline of patterns moving in a single direction on nature sounds. I drew patterns in enclosed rectangles to represent the individual bird songs within the nature audio.
The second in class drawing was done as Daniel played the piano for us. Although I know next to nothing about the piano, I developed my own system of amorphous shapes to represent keys, then staggered these shapes on top of and beside each other to signify a melody. A small diagram farthest to the left explains this. I was also sure to point out where I felt specific keys in my own body. Certain notes that hit the hardest/loudest I was able to feel reverberating behind my eyes or in my stomach.
For my first drawing I sat in a courtyard downtown Vancouver and mapped all the sounds I heard in a section drawing. I created patterns around each source of noise that I felt fit said noise best. I then drew textured spheres based on what those sounds felt like as they arrived in my ears.
For my windplay object I began with looking at objects that made sounds I liked, and broke down their components to figure out what motions took place in order for their sounds to occur. I first looked at thunder sheets, historically used in plays to mimic the rumbling sound of thunder. I then analyzed rain sticks and researched how the sound was created inside of the rain stick tube.
For my windplay object I chose to develop components of a thunder sheet at a larger scale. The metal sheet is suspended in a concrete corridor as to keep the sheet within the direct path of a flow of wind, causing it to jiggle and create noise.
Because I’m assuming the concrete hallway directs thunder noises created by the sheet in specific directions, I began to think about how this object would be placed in a social setting. I tried to think about how the object would need to be consciously oriented toward social spaces or pathways so people can truly be within the noise that the object creates.