Assignment 8 – Avin Alimohammadi

Map of Sounds

When I was little after every family gathering I would lay in the backseat while my dad drove. I did this so often that I eventually memorized the specific sounds that I would hear when we got close to home. These sounds evoke a deep memory for me so I wanted to capture them and the place they would occur on the map. First my dad would accelerate up the hill by our house, then he would use his turn signal twice to turn into our backyard, then the car would make a bumpy noise as its tires glided over the gate, and finally he would park the car and open the garage door.

Assignment 9 – Avin Alimohammadi

For the at-home exercise, I sat in our kitchen as my mom cooked dinner and tried to distinguish the different smells that I would sense. The sizes of objects represent the intensity of some smells as opposed to others.
For the in-class exercise, I tried my best to distinguish the different smells that I experienced while we were on the beach and seawall. The sizes of objects represents the intensity of some smells as opposed to others.

Assignment 10 – Avin Alimohammadi

The drinking object would look like a normal water bottle with a secondary compartment that is exposed through the face of the bottle. When the bottle fills that compartment does too, and when the lid goes on, it prevents liquid from existing out of the primary compartment making you drink much less than a full bottle.

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