Assignment 11 – Seeing > visual thinking > idea | Livia Newman


in Class: Experiencing a Multi Sensorial World
At Home Work: Doors of Dunbar

For the final assignment after wondering my neighbourhood I decided to focus in on residential doors. Upon first inspection I noticed is pretty much every single door in my neighbourhood was white, black or red/brown & there really wasn’t very much variation in shape and height.

My process of analysis was to first organize the images in one document on my iPad and then isolate the door shapes by tracing over top and separating the files. Without the context of the house and the surrounding objects each door looked very similar.

Assignment 9 – Smell Notes | Livia Newman

Location: Cannon Beach, Oregon

Emotions and/or memories: The smell of the beach reminds me of my childhood, it is instantly recognizable and takes me back in time.

Smell experience: In a technical sense the smell of seaweed and fish isn’t overly pleasant but the whole multi sensorial experience that elicits pleasant memories makes up for it

Colours, words and/or textures: Green/blue, wavy, salty, crisp, fishy

How do the scents make you interact with the space you are in: Depending on where I am on the beach I have the desire to linger or the desire to move on. Walking past people eating tacos and drinking hot chocolate on the beach fills the air with warm cozy feelings (making me want to linger), whereas the smell of piles of seaweed and slimy rocks make me want to move to somewhere else on the beach. The cold crisp salty air is pleasant but best enjoyed walking or it gets too chilly.

Duration and intensity: The smells are mostly intense and experienced the entire time on the beach

Assignment 7 – Movement | Livia Newman

For this exercise I looked at the movement associated with my typical walk up the stairs in my house. I started by analyzing my body position for each small movement and then translated those movements into a short video.

attempt of taking a LIDAR video of the space

Assignment 6 – Tactile Body Space | Livia Newman

At Home – Pavilion outside Vancouver Art Gallery

Analysis of the various materials throughout the pavilion infant of Vancouver Art Gallery. Although these materials were all utilized at different scales they all had a similar scale of presence on site due to their colour, placement and height.

Pavers – cold, dirty, gritty

Cafe seating – bright, wet, cold, scratched

Metal planters with wooden seating – faded (seasonal plants and wood), rough in some spots / smooth in other spots, cold metal pieces, loud due to proximity to traffic

Wooden benches surrounding trees – smooth, warm, soft

In Class Work

Site Textures

Seating + textures

Interior, stair case experience

Assignment 5 – Using our Hands | Livia Newman

Blindfolded Feeling & Drawing

Initial tactile reactions

  • Item with exterior and interior (interior is easy to feel through exterior
  • Crinkly exterior
  • Smooth plastic feeling
  • Flap in middle that I can put my finger under
  • Very light weight
  • Room temperature
  • Interior is squishy, top is Moree squishy then the bottom
  • Slightly smaller then my hand

Blindfolded Feeling & Un-blindfolded Drawing

Object Reveal

Assignment 3 – Mapping | Livia Newman

In Class Work

Image 1: Sketching above ground Beaty Biodiversity Museum

Image 2: Sketching below ground Beaty Biodiversity Museum

Image 3: Sketching below ground Beaty Biodiversity Museum, movement through collections 

Out of Class Work

Image 4: Movement of people, cars and bikes over a period of 15 min


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