For assignment 9, I decided to take smell notes in the Vancouver Airport. I arrived around dinnertime and was looking for food. I was almost hypnotized by the smell of the candy store. I’ve always had a sweet tooth and so I really love the smell of sweet things. When I think of candy, I think of bright colours, and sugar sprinkles.

I managed to abstain from the candy, however, and decided to go for pizza. Pizza is probably my favourite comfort food, so I found it really enjoyable. When I think of pizza and red wine, I think of whole, savoury smells in shades of red, orange, brown, and green.

Both of the food smells were somewhat intense. One of the other smells I would describe is “new book smell” or “magazine smell” which has a waxy, papery smell. To communicate this (and not to have it confused with “old book smell”), I tried to use bright colours and sprinkles to communicate “newness”.

The airport is a bit of a strangely designed place in that you are enticed to shop yet it’s also been designed for you to get across the building quickly. Typically you are there only when you have a plane to catch (and thus can’t linger too long). The collage below tries to convey this experience.