Assignment 3- Mapping – Jenn Richards


Following the class site visit to Beatty Biodiversity Museum, I decided to use it as the study site for Assignment 3. I started off by drawing the location of the catacombs in relation to main mall and the ramp.

This museum is not very busy – this is maybe due to the lack of visibility from Main Mall. The entrance itself is ot well marked and kind of hard to see.

I decided to draw some of the main attractions contained within the museum and the flow that people may take to walk through the space.

I also wanted to show the relationship between the green roofs and water flow within the space:

Finally, after reading about the museum online, I realized that they had intentionally let their green roof get overgrown in order to attract pollinators! I decided to show how polinations may use the roof space.


To try something new, I decided to make this into an animation. Unfortunately, there is no more storage space for the GIF on this blog so I decided to put it on youtube:

Had I done the drawings with an animation in mind, I may have approached the assignment a bit differently.


A3: Mapping – Arevik Petrosyan

At Home –

To the grocery store and back

red lines indicate the trip to the store, blue lines are the trip back. Dashed lines are walking, the solid line is on the bus. I realized I could’ve taken a faster route on the way there if I had walked diagonally.


At the grocery store

In the kitchen

Tracked my roommate’s movement in the kitchen while cooking. This kitchen would be considerably easier to use
if the oven were moved over a bit and the counter was extended around the corner.

Ashley Fleck | Assignment 3

In-Class – Beaty Museum Drawings

At-Home Drawing

Neighbourhood Activity

This mapping exercise was completed on a Saturday morning as I watched the movement across the street from my apartment. The lines for the movement of the dogs vary in thickness depending on the speed at which they moved, with the thicker ones moving the quickest. The pedestrian movement was not mapped as this morning the great majority of pedestrians were either on bikes or with their dogs.

3: Mapping – Alwyn Rutherford

In Class: Section of THE NEST
Section drawing of the Nest building, created during a site visit in class.
Outside of Class: Mapping MOVEMENT & STILLNESS
Mapping people’s movement and duration of stay on the staircase inside the Nest. Arrows indicate direction of movement, while shading indicates the duration of time spent in the space. Drawn outside of class time.

Assignment 3 – Mapping | Livia Newman

In Class Work

Image 1: Sketching above ground Beaty Biodiversity Museum

Image 2: Sketching below ground Beaty Biodiversity Museum

Image 3: Sketching below ground Beaty Biodiversity Museum, movement through collections 

Out of Class Work

Image 4: Movement of people, cars and bikes over a period of 15 min


Assignment 3 – Mapping | Anna Finn

In-class exercise

UBC Nest massing – first attempt
UBC Nest massing and movement
UBC Nest – massing section
UBC Nest – massing using cube method

At-home exercise

Mapping my partner’s movements as he was putting away dishes in the kitchen. Red lines represent hand movement to upper cabinets while blue represents hand movements to lower cabinets. I realized after that maybe the vertical movement would have been better studied through a section or elevation view.
Mapping my partner’s movements as he makes breakfast, 15 mins. Dotted blue lines represent slower, bigger movements. Red lines represent small + quick hand movements. I noted that he mainly used the corner counter space for prep area and only used one burner. This exercise was partly  an attempt to justify our need for an island.


3: Mapping – Madelaine Snelgrove


Cube and  section sketches of Beatty Biodiversity Museum & Centre



West 41st and East Boulevard

Layers on layers

Buses heading east and west during their busiest times

Vehicles vs cyclists at 7am

It gets loud on West 41st… all day long

Street trees everywhere, many not looking so happy

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