Ashley Fleck | Assignment 8 – Tuning In & Windplay

In-Class Drawings

Sounds from the Landscape Annex

Sounds in the Annex

For this assignment, I chose to analyze the sounds from within the Landscape Annex. I sat at first just listening and a pattern of sounds emerged, and I began to draw these sounds linearly, as they occur in time. I also wanted to represent how certain sounds drowned out others, with the crossing over of lines. At first, the space seemed reasonably quiet, but the more I listened, the more I began to pick up on all the different noises occurring. When doing this assignment, there were me and two others in the building. At its quietest, the clicking of the keyboard was the steady noise governing the space. But every so often, a car would drive by outside and then beep a few times as it was backing up. I then picked up on children outside playing. The first sound I would pick up was a shriek and then a bit of chatter afterwards. When someone got up and walked to the door within the space, that sound was much louder, with the clicking and slamming of the door when leaving the room.

Here is an attempt to show the same sounds in a more quantified way.

Potential wind instrument using items at home.

A8: Tuning In – Alwyn Rutherford




Visual representations of piano music. Music appears very colourful to me. As the melody and arrangement changed, I chose different colours to match the music. I drew from left to right & from top to bottom, like writing words on a page.
Outside Class: Windplay


Assignment 7 – Movement | Livia Newman

For this exercise I looked at the movement associated with my typical walk up the stairs in my house. I started by analyzing my body position for each small movement and then translated those movements into a short video.

attempt of taking a LIDAR video of the space

A7: Movement | Pierre Tulk

For this assignment, I have mapped the different possible movements in this generic playground near my home. I have drawn the park in plan and 2 points perspective, added the possible body interactions on top, and added the main measurements I had compiled during my time there.


Adam Larsen | Assignment 7 | Movement

I chose to analyze how my body interacted with an informal meeting room inside the 3rd year BDES studio. The room had a large selection of chairs in cramped and open conditions. I decided to document how it felt and looked getting in and out of each chair. I used the facial expressions and body language of my caricature to further represent the experience of every chair.

Adam Larsen | Assignment 5 | Using our Hands


For the in class blind drawing exercise I was given a carabiner. I tried drawing in iterations to show how I gradually collected more detail from feeling it.



For my second attempt at blind drawing I thrusted my hand into my very messy studio desk and grabbed the first thing I didn’t immediately recognize. What is interesting about my blind drawings compared to my seen drawing is that in the seen drawing I was able to incorporate reflections, and printed graphics on the packaging. 

Adam Larsen | Assignment 2 | Adding Dimension





I chose to draw the BDES 3rd year studio for my timed drawings. I noticed that the more time I had, the more likely I was to wander off into tiny details instead of seeing the entire room as a whole.

Assignment 6: Tactile Body Space | Anna Finn

In-class exercise

Material + Body heat sensation on outdoor bench
ORCH commons – sound map

At-home (road trip) exercise

Material textures inside car, drawn from low to high detail

This week I was on a road trip and spent some time analyzing a few material textures inside my car.  The first was a fabric material on the seat, which I hadn’t really noticed before. It felt different touching with my whole hand versus tracing the stitches with one finger.

The second material was the hard/smooth leather covering the dash. At first glance the material doesn’t have much of a texture but close up it becomes more evident.

Mountain texture – trees, snow, sky

There were many mountain views throughout the road trip. Here I tried to depict the different textures created by the mountains, trees, snow, and sky.

Mountain textures – trees, snow, brush.

Trying to analyze the changing  views while thinking about light, texture and detail became visually over-stimulating after some time.

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