A3: Mapping – Arevik Petrosyan

At Home –

To the grocery store and back

red lines indicate the trip to the store, blue lines are the trip back. Dashed lines are walking, the solid line is on the bus. I realized I could’ve taken a faster route on the way there if I had walked diagonally.


At the grocery store

In the kitchen

Tracked my roommate’s movement in the kitchen while cooking. This kitchen would be considerably easier to use
if the oven were moved over a bit and the counter was extended around the corner.

Assignment 8 – Avin Alimohammadi

Map of Sounds

When I was little after every family gathering I would lay in the backseat while my dad drove. I did this so often that I eventually memorized the specific sounds that I would hear when we got close to home. These sounds evoke a deep memory for me so I wanted to capture them and the place they would occur on the map. First my dad would accelerate up the hill by our house, then he would use his turn signal twice to turn into our backyard, then the car would make a bumpy noise as its tires glided over the gate, and finally he would park the car and open the garage door.

Assignment 11 – Visual Thinking | Anna Finn

At-home exercise:

For this assignment, I decided to analyze single-family residence entrance gates in my neighborhood.  I first organized them based on material.


Single family residence entrance gates, organized by material

Recently my upstairs neighbours dog escaped through a hole in our gate, and this made me more aware of perhaps why there are so many gates in the area. I then reorganized the entrances that I had taken photos of based on how inviting they looked and whether or not they would keep pets inside.

Single family residence entrance gates organized by more/less inviting

From this analysis I started to notice that some of these gates seemed more inviting than others, and that the entrances with a more visually permeable gate, or no gate at all, and those with more planting, seemed more inviting to me. Additionally I found gates that were wooden as opposed to metal were more appealing (this is very subjective, of course), however, the entrances with metal gates would all be successful in keeping pets inside. Another observation was that the gates that lined up perfectly with the front door of the house seemed more formal and intimidating in some way, while entrances that were offset from the front door were more engaging.

From this I designed my own simple gate, with visually permeable wooden slats that has integrated lighting. On either side tall shrubs act as “bollards” to keep with the style in the area. A stone wall then acts as a “fence” which hosts small shrubs, which allows semi-privacy while still keeping pets inside safely.

typical entrance gate sketch – gate aligns directly with front door which seems very formal / intimidating
entrance gate sketch – gates offset from front door seem more inviting
entrance gate design for semi privacy, lighting, and safety for pets
Entrance gate design for visual semi-privacy and safety for pets

In-class exercise: course summary

A11: Seeing-Visual-Thinking-Idea | Pierre Tulk

For this assignment, I have decided to explore the rocky typologies of Marpole, from pebbles to boulders. I photographed different interesting rock specimens and drawn a few variations as well. The final collage shows their place within a continuum that goes from decorative (rocks as pure ornament) to feature/interactive (rocks as a functional item).



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