Assignment 3- Mapping – Jenn Richards


Following the class site visit to Beatty Biodiversity Museum, I decided to use it as the study site for Assignment 3. I started off by drawing the location of the catacombs in relation to main mall and the ramp.

This museum is not very busy – this is maybe due to the lack of visibility from Main Mall. The entrance itself is ot well marked and kind of hard to see.

I decided to draw some of the main attractions contained within the museum and the flow that people may take to walk through the space.

I also wanted to show the relationship between the green roofs and water flow within the space:

Finally, after reading about the museum online, I realized that they had intentionally let their green roof get overgrown in order to attract pollinators! I decided to show how polinations may use the roof space.


To try something new, I decided to make this into an animation. Unfortunately, there is no more storage space for the GIF on this blog so I decided to put it on youtube:

Had I done the drawings with an animation in mind, I may have approached the assignment a bit differently.


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