Assignment 6 – Tactile Body Space – Jenn Richards


For the in-class exercise, I was enjoying sitting in the sun and noticing how one side of my body was much warmer than the other. I also noticed the flow of people walking by. I tried to depict the bench materiality.

In the following sketches, I looked at the material of the benches, and how the form of the bench on the opposite side allowed people to conversate more easily. Inside, I listened to the nearby sounds and counted my steps between spots.


For this exercise at home, I decided to try out my new ipad and learn how to use Morpholio. Pictured is a floorplan of my kitchen. I tried to depict materiality in the floorplan through the drawing, but also included photos of materials in my home. I hand-wrote the notes because I felt it was more condusive to understanding how the different materials made me feel.

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